Performing Arts

Performing Arts  Matters

We are pleased to release the video of our 85th Anniversary Concert, see below.  The video is a wonderful showcase of our performing arts talent at the College.

As the term draws to an end I reflect on all the hard work done by all the members of the performing arts at SPX. From the Concourse Concert to the eisteddfod and to all the many learning experiences in and out of class. To assessment tasks and just plain having some fun this has been a huge time for all.

I would like to thank everyone for their efforts. Teachers , students and parents for all their efforts.


For the future, Term 3 is about our Seniors. Next term they will be completing performance work for the HSC. We wish our Drama and Music students the best in their preparations and look forward to the following events that will feature our senior students:


Sunday 24 July – Year 12 Drama Showcase

Monday 25 July – PAPA Meeting

Thursday 25 August – Splinters, Splashes, Stage and Sounds

Friday September 2 – Twilight Concert featuring our senior ensembles.


Mr Anthony Timmins - Performing Arts Coordinator

Drama Matters

All students in Year 7 have a semester of Drama either at the start or mid-way through the year. I will be saying goodbye to 90 students at the end of this term who then go on to learn a language. It has been great to get back into the classroom and learn physically through creating characters and learning about improvisation. Year 7 bring such fun and energy to these classes. Collaborating and communicating with their peers is such a positive experience for all. Here are a few rehearsal shots of groups working on their recent assessment. This was a rehearsed improvisation about characters who get stuck in an elevator. 

Year 10 Elective Drama will attend the Sydney Theatre Company's production of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in the evening on Thursday 23 June.  

Please also see attached the permission slip.

Ms Penny Lindley - Drama Teacher