Family Learning Centre
Childcare, Kindergarten and Family Centre May 2022
Family Learning Centre
Childcare, Kindergarten and Family Centre May 2022
Hello and a very warm welcome to all of our Family Learning Centre parents, children and families, our kindy kids and playgroupers. So much has been happening in Term 2.
This year, each Wednesday and Thursday morning at the Early Learning Centre we offer early year’s music and dance for our littlees with Hey Dee Ho led by Jo. She brings plenty of energy, joy and laughter as she leads all age groups from babies to 5 year olds through a range of musically engaging activities, dance and songs with puppet play and props specifically designed to nurture a young child’s sense of fun and imagination.
Enjoyable for all of our parents, educators and children alike, we are proud to provide such stimulating music programs such as Hey Dee Ho to build confidence and develop social, language and physical skills while laying the foundations for a lifetime of future learning.
Our 3 and 4 year old Kindergarten children, under the guidance of teacher Vivian Kilpatrick have had lots of fun in the kitchen cooking up a storm with vegetables fresh from the veggies patch and are loving all the cooking activities.
Cooking with very young children is a fantastic way to help shape your child’s independence, language and social development in the years before school. Major benefits are gained as children become acquainted with healthy food choices and good eating habits, as well as using basic mathematics and language skills.
Planning for 2023 we are especially excited to be planning for our free 3 and 4 year old funded kindergarten programs. If your child is eligible please contact Mandy, Viv or Helen, or drop in and make an appointment to visit with our wonderful educators.
This week we also celebrated ‘National Refugee Week’ as 20 June is World Refugee Day.
Refugee Week has different theme each year to raise awareness of the issues affecting refugees in Australia and around the world, to help the broader community understand what it is like to be a refugee. The theme of Refugee Week 2022 is Healing - a healing that promotes harmony and togetherness in our shared common humanity.
In celebration of Refugee week the Early Learning children, families, and staff were encouraged to dress up and had fun sharing their stories of their heritage. We also had many multicultural activities, songs and games throughout this week.
A powerful message to end this term and as we prepare to celebrate Naidoc Week in the first week (3-10) of July to commemorate this important First Nations event .
News from our Community Hubs multicultural program leader, Moona Fardad includes Monday ‘Chat and Sew’ and of course English classes for new migrant women and of course the Toy Library has expanded and is in full swing - each week children under 5 can come to borrow from a range of toys for up to 2 weeks - all you have to do is sign up and become a member.
See our new calendar of What’s On @the Family Centre for Term 3.
Our playgroup and parent support team is led by partnerships with Bethany, BCYF and City of Greater Geelong. There is a playgroup at the Family Centre each day of the week. It has been a joy to participate and watch these young groups grow.
The playgroup families are fundamental to nurturing in the Family Centre, a feeling of friendship and community.
See flyer attached for more information regarding new programs in term 3 such as Circle of Security, parenting program and Bubs to Bubs and Bubs to Tots play and support groups for young new mothers.
Thank you all for your support this term. I think we are all looking forward to a well earned wintery break, to get ready and rested for a productive term 3. Such a busy little Hub of activity, we are always excited to share our news and ways we Play… Learn… Connect!
Yours sincerely,
Helen O’Connor and Mandy Minhas
Northern Bay Family Learning Centre