Years 3 - 6 Community

June 2022

What a busy term this has been! Across years 3-6 we have had a College wide focus on vocabulary. Each learning community had a focus on 5 key vocabulary words that were introduced to students and incorporated into our daily lessons. It was great to hear words like ‘absolutely’, ‘’outrageous’, and  ‘obviously’ become part of our everyday vocabulary.

Year 3/4s

The 3 /4 students have been looking at the importance of rules and laws in society. After the amazing building of our cardboard box cities early in the term we switched our focus to demonstrating the importance of following rules. All of our students have had the opportunity to create their own board game, developing rules to assist with the fair playing of their game. This Educational Research Project has had strong links especially to our writing and speaking and listening curriculum. 

We were very lucky to have Miss VIcki visit our classrooms to introduce Makey Makey to our students. Makey Makey is an invention kit designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys. Our students created a circuit board using aluminium foil, alligator clips, and a USB cable. They used a program on their Chromebooks called Scratch to create a code to help them send electrical signals around their circuit. The look on their faces when they heard their own voices and the sounds they added coming from the computer when they touched the aluminium foil on their boards, was priceless. 


Some of our students have gone one step further and created their own persuasive advertisement, trying to convince their classmates to play their games. Our ERP Showcase, where students can share their learning (and their games) with others will be happening across NBC over the final weeks of the term. 

Artvo - Year 3/4s

Our Year 3/4 excursion to ArtVo let our students become part of a world of optical illusions with larger than life murals. What an amazing way to experience an art museum. We hope you enjoy the  photos we have included with this newsletter. 

Year 5/6s

Our 5 /6 students have been diving deeper into our government topic learning about the different levels of government. They have looked at why we have laws in Australia and have created and proposed a new law to present to their classmates. That’s where the fun began as the students set up a make believe class parliament and role-played the passing of a new bill. They linked this in with our persuasive writing focus to create very convincing arguments which were presented to their classmates (who represented a mock Senate and House of Representatives) and then were voted upon. Through this process they learnt that while we all have different passions, these are sometimes shared by others and at other times not deemed as relevant to others around them. 





Juanita Mountjoy

Wexford Campus Assistant Principal

Years 3-6 Stage of Schooling
