imagination OSHC

Outside School Hours Care

July Vacation Care 

What a fun and action-packed Vacation Care period! With the easing of restrictions, we were able to go on excursions again and take the learning outside the Imagination classroom. The students learnt so many wonderful things this Vacation Care, from learning about Australian wildlife by getting up close to the animals at Gorge Wildlife Park, learning so many interesting facts about space at the Planetarium incursion, and seeing behind the scenes of Adelaide Oval. 


The students also raised $52.00 towards Childhood Cancer Research on Crazy Hair Day Fundraiser. Well done Imagination OSHC!  Your gold coin donations have been donated to The Kids' Cancer Project to fund much needed research to improve childhood cancer treatments. 


More photos from Vacation Care will be posted on Seesaw by the end of this week. 


The students really connected with their learning this Vacation Care, as the program was based on their suggestions and interests. I look forward to seeing what the students suggest for October Vacation Care! 


We would also like to hear any feedback from families regarding this Vacation Care. We would love to hear if we can improve on any aspects of the program. There are slips at Imagination that you can submit anonymously if you wish. Alternatively, you can send an email to the Imagination Coordinator. 


Just a friendly reminder to send a notification to the Imagination Coordinator regarding Covid-19 positive cases. Gap fees are still being waived for those considered close contacts or Covid-19 positive. Please provide SA Health evidence to the Imagination Coordinator via email ( for fees to be waived. 

Term 3 Focus 

This term, we will be continuing embedding student voice in all aspects of the program. The end goal is for students to be running Imagination by the end of the year. 

So far, the Imagination Leaders are greeting their peers at the beginning of the afternoon session, sitting them down for afternoon meetings to discuss important information for the day, serving food, gathering suggestions for the following week's program, and running activities.

The educators will be exploring with the students this week how we can maximise student agency at Imagination. 


Ali Flynn (Imagination Coordinator)