News & Notices

Netball NSW Schools Cup
On Tuesday the 21st of June, 18 students attended the Netball NSW Schools Cup in Narrabri. We entered a year 3/4 team and a 5/6 team. Each team won all their 5 games and displayed fantastic sportsmanship.
It was great to see the students who stepped out of their comfort zone, tried a new sport and enjoyed the experience!
Kind Regards,
Lucy Suttor
Sports Coordinator
Sydney Parent Information Night
Dear Parents and Carers of Stage 3 students,
This is just a reminder that a Parent Information Night for the upcoming Sydney excursion will be held at 6:00 pm next Monday, 27 June, in the Stage 3 classroom.
All parents are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to join us on this day, the information covered in this session and the permission forms will be communicated via Compass.
Kind Regards,
St Joseph's Primary
Athletics Carnival
Dear Parents and Carers,
All students will participate in our upcoming Athletics trials on Tuesday 26 July.
This year we will be holding all events at Cook Oval.
Students are required to be transported to Cook Oval by 8:50 am. Students who normally take the bus will be dropped off and collected at the venue. It will be an all-day event.
As always, an event like this cannot be run successfully without the assistance of helpers. If you are able to volunteer to help out on the day as a timekeeper or with any field events (which would be greatly appreciated!), please complete the following form
For further information, access the Events page via your child’s profile on the Compass app, or, alternatively, go to by Tuesday 12 July.
Kind Regards,
St Joseph’s Primary
This is just a reminder that, wherever possible, all volunteers must have a current Working With Children’s Check.
What will I need?
- personal details, including date and place of birth
- your original proof of identity documentation.
How do I apply?
- Visit the Service NSW website
- Select the 'Apply online' button.
- Select 'Apply for your Check'.
- Select 'Continue and apply'.
- Complete the online form, ensuring the name you enter matches your identity documents exactly.
- Visit a service centre to present your original identity documents.
What will it cost?
Applying for a Volunteer WWCC is FREE.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.
St Joseph's Primary
School Holiday Tennis Clinic @ Narrabri
Please see the attached flyer for further information.