Learning Gallery

MaST News
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the last fortnight, students have been engaging in some great “Maths Talks” during their numeracy sessions. Maths Talk provides students with an opportunity for deeper understanding through communication.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) defines math talk as
“the ways of representing, thinking, talking, and agreeing and disagreeing that teachers and students use to engage in [mathematical] tasks”.
This powerful tool for teaching and learning has enabled students to develop their skills when explaining their mathematical thinking from K-6! Well done everyone!
Kindest Regards,
Elise Avery
Acting Leader of Pedagogy/MaST Coordinator
This week in Stage 2, we have been focusing on Making Connections during our reading workshop. Students have been incorporating this into their daily reading rotations.
Also, congratulations to the following students who received their pen licences this week!
Dannika Schwager & Tara Langfield
Leaders of Learning (Stage 2)
Last week, Stage 3 travelled to Narrabri to attend the 2022 Science & Engineering Challenge. The students had a great day participating in the different activities!
This week our Year 6 students who have been participating in the DRUMBEAT Wellbeing workshops performed one of the songs they have learnt this term. Thank you to Centacare for facilitating this worthwhile program!
Please check out their live performance on our Facebook page via fb.watch/dQDYUULbxl/
Sarita Mallinson & Matthew Hamblin
Leaders of Learning (Stage 3)