REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to our students, Ava Hall, Imelda Redmond, Brodie Stewart, Joey Reynolds, Sonny Mallinson and Sophia Woolcock, who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Wednesday, 22 June. Thank you, Fr Joseph, for supporting these students in their faith journey!
Year 6 RE Test
Today our Year 6 students participated in the Religious Education Test. This test focuses on the content our students have learned in Religious Education over the past six years.
Fundraising Fridays
This is just a reminder that our Fundraising Fridays will continue until the end of term. Students are invited to a hat of their choice with a gold coin donation to raise money for the Vinnie’s Winter Appeal.
Marriage & Family Week
The theme for marriage and family week this year is “Family love: A vocation and a path to holiness”. The students will spend at least one Religious Education lesson this week focusing on this theme and exploring the notion that God is with us always. The students will learn about aspects of the Catholic understanding of the way we experience God’s faithfulness. We are all called to be holy by living with love and bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.
This year the dates for Marriage and Family week have been altered to coincide with the 10th World Meeting of Families, which will take place 22 – 26 June 2022 in a multicentric form, with Rome as the main location. This event is organised by The Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and the Diocese of Rome.
To celebrate, all families are invited to join us for mass at 10 am this Sunday, 26 June, at St Andrew’s Catholic Parish Church.
Yours in faith,
Karlee Hatton
Religious Education Coordinator
St Andrew's Parish Bulletin
Please find attached the St Andrew's Parish Bulletin for this Sunday, 26 June