Principal's News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Week 9 is drawing to a close, and Week 10 of Term 2 will be upon us soon. Halfway through the academic year! 2022 seems to be flying by.
The past fortnight, we have had a number of events within our school. It has been excellent to see our primary students participating in excursions and sporting challenges. Please take some time to look through photos and descriptions of these events via the Learning Gallery and News and Notices section of this newsletter.
Today you will receive access to your child’s Semester One school report. This report is created to give you an understanding of where your child is achieving in relation to the NSW syllabus. Students will receive a ‘Working Towards’, ‘Working At’, or ‘Working Beyond’ grade for each subject/strand. There will also be comments from classroom teachers that indicate an area of learning, a next step and an idea that could be tried at home to reinforce learning. These comments are only for English, Mathematics and Learning and Connection Skills.
This semester, our Staff at St Joseph’s have been reinforcing reading comprehension skills. We have been working through Professional Learning and Professional Readings while strengthening these learning opportunities in the classroom. In our school reports, there are some comments on different stages regarding comprehension. Below is a snapshot for parents that will help you understand some of these terms and guide your child’s understanding of reading comprehension
Comprehension Strategy – Making Connections
Children connect their background knowledge to the text they are reading.
How to help your child use this strategy:
To help your child make connections while they are reading, ask him/her the following questions:
- What does the book remind you of?
- What do you know about the book’s topic?
- Does this book remind you of another book?
Comprehension Strategy – Inferring
Children should make inferences about the text they are reading to interpret the meaning and develop a deeper understanding. Then, you should discuss their answers with them to confirm or correct their inferences so that they can learn from your reading experience.
How to help your child use this strategy:
Ask them:
“How did you know that?”
“Why did you think that would happen?”
“Look at the cover and pictures, then make predictions.”
“Discuss the plot and theme.”
“What do you think this story was about?”
“How do you think the characters feel?”
“Does it remind you of anything?”
Industrial Action - Thursday 30 June 2022
There will be Protected Industrial Action taking place in Catholic Systemic and NSW Public Schools on Thursday, 30 June. There will be disruptions to learning as well as major modifications to the usual structures in place for that day. Please have a read of the communication from the Catholic Schools Office Armidale regarding the Industrial Action. A copy of this communication is linked below and has been sent out via Compass.
Further information regarding how this will specifically impact St Joseph’s Wee Waa will be communicated early next week.
School Supervision Hours Reminder
There has been an increasing number of students arriving at school and waiting outside before the gates open.
Please ensure that students do not arrive at school unsupervised before 8.30 am. Buses have been communicated to drop students off in the morning after this time. Thank you to the parents that contacted me regarding this.
Netball NSW Cup
On Wednesday, 22 June, nominated students in Years 3 - 6 participated in the Netball NSW School Cup. A big thank you to Miss Suttor and Mrs Mallinson for supervising and all the parents who were able to support us on the day. The students participated well and had a great time.
Please see the News & Notices section for further information.
Semester Reports & Student Progress Meetings
Semester Reports were released today at 4 pm via Compass.
This is just a reminder that bookings for Student Learning Progress meetings will close at midnight on Sunday, 26 June.
Please note that if you attempt to make a booking through the school office after this time, we cannot guarantee an appointment with your child’s teacher.
Meetings will take place for each stage as follows:
Kindergarten: Monday 27 and Wednesday 29 June from 3:00 to 6:30 pm
Stage 1: Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June from 3:00 to 6:30 pm
Stage 2: Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 June from 3:00 to 6:30 pm
Stage 3: Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June from 3:00 to 6:30 pm
Our teachers look forward to discussing your child’s learning with you.
For further information on how to make bookings, please go to
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
NAIDOC Week Celebration
This year our NAIDOC Week Celebration will be held next term on Thursday, 21 July, from 9:15 to 10:00 am. Students are invited to dress in Indigenous patterns or red, black and yellow clothing. The day will begin with a ceremony, followed by a Liturgy and Morning Tea, with cake, tea and coffee. All are welcome to attend!
The students will then participate in various activities throughout the day, run by our Aboriginal Education Assistants Caitlin Smith and Darcy Lang, as well as special visitors, Clinton Lamb, Aunty Colleen and Aunty Teresa. We will also be welcoming students from Nurruby Preschool Wee Waa to participate in the morning's first activity.
Christmas in July Jolly Jumpers Night
Our St Joseph’s P & F will be hosting the long-awaited Christmas in July Jolly Jumpers Night at the Wee Waa Golf Club on Saturday, 30 July, starting at 6 pm.
There will be a Christmas Feast, catered by Relish, reindeer race sweeps, a best and worst Christmas Jumper competition and a night of dancing.
Please see the attached flyer for further information
Tickets are available to purchase online via We hope to see you there!
Please also note that we will be holding a P & F Meeting on Tuesday 19 July at 6:00 pm at the school. All are welcome to attend.
Just a reminder that Term 2 concludes on Friday 1 July, and Term 3 begins on Monday 18 July. Have a safe and happy holiday break.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
Alistair Stewart