Student Gallery

Today Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed a great day at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat.

6D had the opportunity to meet students from our sister school "Sanagochi Elementary School" in Japan.  Students from both schools learned a little bit about each other's school.  Our year 6s introduced themselves in Japanese.

Interactive writing from our Year 1's from the book Barney.  This is where the teacher and students share the pen to produce one piece of writing.


Year 1 students were learning how to do subtraction and how to work out the difference between 2 numbers.

Year 3 students this week learnt Wurundjeri language.

1S students have mined their Writers Notebook to decide on a character for their story.  They are now making their characters.

Year 3 students using the strategy of interactive writing to coconstruct an ending for our class play script.

Foundation students have been separating teen numbers into tens and ones.

Year 1 students finished writing about their cats.

Year 5 students were collecting data for their surveys.

Year 1 and 2 students had a visit from the Police to chat about cyber safety.

Students enjoyed their SWPBS reward from last term by wearing pyjamas.

Foundation students made special beds and wrote an exciting sentence to match.


Year 1 digital technology learning to program a Bee Bot to move to where they want it to go!

Year 3 using their character puppets for script writing!  Stay tuned for some exciting puppet shows . . .