STEM & Kitchen Garden

Every week is Science Week at Fitzroy Primary!


This week students investigated mixtures and reactions with a variety of materials.

Cornflour slime ‘Oobleck’ in the Foundation to observe how the mixture behaves like a liquid and a solid.

Year 1 and 2 students investigated emulsifiers by mixing oil, water and detergent. Year 3s finished their unit on material by testing packing materials for their ability to protect objects.

Year 4 students continued their project investigating driver less cars and building Mbot robotic cars. Thank you to Yen and volunteers from Fr. Bob McGuire Foundation!

To celebrate Science Week STEM activities were operating at lunchtime. These included Dash robots, Bee Bots, digital microscopes, ball run construction, Scratch and more!

In the kitchen Years 1 and 2 studen started their unit on ‘Bread’, where they learnt about breads around the world and prepared apple and cinnamon bread and butter pudding.