School Council 

School Council for 2023


Dear Fellow Parents, 


Having taken part in our recent school review, it was a pleasure to see firsthand the wonderful work the staff are doing to make all of our children's lives so rich and rewarding. The review itself highlighted a range of things that the school should rightly be proud of, including fantastic academic results, high-quality teaching and a vibrant and effervescent workforce all geared to do all they can for their students. As a result, the school has three new goals for the next four years which build upon the great work already being done, and provides targets and strategies to make this even better.  


I look forward to sharing this plan with my fellow councilors at our next meeting, prior to sharing it with you all via our school webpage.  When this is uploaded, please take the time to read over it so you are aware of how well we are doing as a school, and the next steps in our continual improvement journey. 


Those with a keen eye will notice that the early years centre being built next door to the school is almost complete.  Whilst a separate entity from our school, we look forward to forging relationships with them so we can each support the other for the benefit of children of all ages. To prepare for the increased traffic this will bring, the gate on the rear car park is now mechanised to prevent unauthorized parking in that space, and assist with traffic flow.  

Replanted Garden Beds
Mambourin Gardening Team
Replanted Garden Beds
Mambourin Gardening Team

You may also notice our trusty band of gardeners from Mambourin Enterprises led by Bernard their supervisor, is currently planting many, many plants and levelling grassed areas to prevent tripping and improve aesthetics.  This team do an amazing job and we are very lucky to have them as a valued member of our team here at Mackellar. The areas they have recently planted/seeded are taped off to give the plants and grass time to settle in. 

Please assist us by keeping young ones off of these areas so they can grow, take hold and look amazing as we head into spring. 




Vince Scarfo

School Council President