Book Week

Week 6

Book Week 2023



In Week 6 we are celebrating Book Week 2023. To celebrate we will be hosting two fun events!


The Book Parade:

When: Wednesday the 23rd of August 

Where: Lower A Cola

Who: K-2. Students in 3-6 are more than welcome to dress-up for the day and participate in the book parade if they wish to. They will have the same opportunity to parade as a collective group of 3-6 students. We are looking forward to seeing all the fabulous costumes!


All students from K-6 will be asked to bring a gold coin donation. All money raised will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

The Great Book Swap:

During Book Week we will also be hosting a Book Swap where students may bring in a pre-loved book and swap it with  someone else's pre-loved book. This book will then be theirs to keep.


When: Wednesday the 23rd of August 

Where: Gumbuya Centre

Who: Everyone!

How: Students bring in a used book, which is still in good condition, and exchange it for a book swap token. They are allowed to bring in more than one book and will receive a token for every book they bring in for the swap (i.e., if a student brings in 2 books they wish to swap, they will receive 2 tokens. On the book swap day, they will cash those 2 tokens in and select 2 new books to take home). 


Students are asked to bring in any books they wish to swap on Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd of August


Students must not lose their tokens! They must also understand that the book swap is permanent – students will not be receiving or swapping their books back…so they should only bring in books they are totally finished with.


We thank you for your support!