From the Principal

You are Invited....

We did not get to celebrate our 10th Anniversary so we want to really celebrate this event. We are very grateful to have these amazing facilities and are very honoured that the Archbishop of Melbourne will be blessing and officially opening our school hall. We look forward to our families joining us for this important event.


The invitation will also be sent via Operoo to all school families. In order for us to cater for this very special event in our school's history it is very important that you respond to the invitation. Please only reply 'Yes' on Operoo if you are attending. Please also indicate numbers attending. We ask all our school families to respond via Operoo. Invited guests are asked to reply via the email


100 Days at School for our Foundation Students!!

A big congratulations to our amazing Foundation students who completed 100 days of school this week. What a wonderful achievement!



Our Foundation students came to school dressed up as something representing the number “100” – there were many grannies and grandpas amongst the students and staff, as well as some creative representations too!!!!



 Students spent the day completing a range of activities including reading stories about the 100th Day of School, completing a 100 exercise workout, reflecting on their year so far, making party hats, singing songs and exploring the number 100 in different ways.



The whole school had the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge this special achievement at our school assembly in the afternoon. Our Foundation students were presented with a certificate. 



It has been a fantastic year so far, with lots of learning taking place as well as new friendships being formed. Students have had a lot of fun and participated in many different experiences in their first year of school. We look forward to the remainder of the year and hope you also enjoy celebrating with your child.



A big thank you to the Junior teachers for all their work this year in teaching our Foundation students and to all parents/carers and for your ongoing support. It is truly appreciated.


MACSSIS 2023 - Get Involved

Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress. 


A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys. 


Further information will be provided in coming weeks. We encourage our families to participate in this confidential feedback. As a school we evaluate and adjust and change our plans informed by data we gather. MACSSIS data is a key source on information that informs our school improvement and our 2024 Annual Action plans.


Spread the News!

We have moved to electronic applications. Enrolment forms are available via our website. 

Places are available for children moving into the area.


Preparing for 2024

We are commencing the process of making arrangements for 2024, which also includes budgeting and staffing. It is important that if your child is not returning in 2024 that you notify the school in writing. We encourage you to do this now or as soon as possible. 


Go Pies!! Go Matilda's all or nothing against Canada on Monday. Our Matilda will be there!!




Christine White
