
Maker Space

Grade 1 and 2

Our Space Creations are complete and have been added into our class puzzles. It was wonderful to see the space knowledge that students applied to their creations, some using a hilarious sense of humour, all using their capable making skills.

Students need to bring their fully charged iPad to the rest of the Maker Space classes for the year as we jump into our next challenge - using our iPads as a creative learning tool!

Grade 3 - 6

All of the different videos these year levels have been working on have been completed. Students have utilised their iPads for video productions that have included sound effects, sound tracks, special effects, audience manipulation through camera angles/shots and, of course, their stellar acting skills.

Students have been asked to Airdrop their final videos to everyone in their group so that they can show their grown ups at home their new video production skills.

Visual Arts

Prep - 2

Next week the Preps will be putting their finishing touches on their cacti for inside the clay pinch pot they made for their Dad. They are looking spikey and very cute.

Grade 1s have finished decorating their fish using an oil pastel and watercolour resist technique.

Grade 2s have under-glazed their egg cups for their Dads and are awaiting the final firing before they are ready to wrap and gift!

Grade 3 - 6

If you were at the Senior Production of What a Knight! you may have seen the display of artwork in the foyer from each grade. All students worked so hard in the lead up to the concert to finish their piece in time. Thankyou to Katie Proctor, Kate Porter, Crystal Morrissey, Kay Broussard, Shannyn Brown, Erika Webb and Lauren Deller who helped to set up the display for everyone to enjoy.

Physical Education and Sport

Level 3-6 House Athletics Day

Despite a dicey forecast, our Level 3-6 House Athletics Day was a tremendous success. It was wonderful to see our students competing for house points (dressed in their house colours) in all of the various track and field events. We are so proud of the effort and positive attitude shown by all, regardless of where they ended up finishing. 

We also would like to thank our massive team of parent volunteers who assisted with scoring, leading field activity groups, assisting at field events, riding on busses and acting as first aid officers. This day simply could not have run with the significant community support we were blessed to receive. 

Congratulations to all of our students in Levels 4-6 who have been offered a place in our District Athletics Squad. They will be representing our school at the Ringwood District Athletics Carnival on Thursday 31st August. 


Tee Ball Girls Interschool Sports Team - EMR Playoffs

On Monday, 21st August, our Tee Ball Girls Interschool Sports Team competed at the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) Finals Day. Simply making it to this day was a monumental achievement, as they have already progressed through the District and Division levels. This is the second highest level, just below State!


The girls did themselves and the school proud on the day, winning 2 of their 5 matches to place 6th in the Region. This performance is a testament to their adaptability, teamwork and 'can do' attitude, as none of these girls play Tee Ball (or Softball/Baseball) outside of school. 


We would like to thank all of the parents and families of these girls who supported them along the journey, by providing transport and assisting with game day logistics. 

The Tee Ball Girls Team
The Tee Ball Girls Team


Prep, Level 1&2 Gymnastics Program

Our Prep, Grade 1 and 2 students have just completed their 5 week Gymnastics Program and Eclipse Gymnastics in Ringwood. From all reports, this program has been a tremendous experience for our students. We would like to thank our Prep - Grade 2 staff and parent volunteers for supporting our students, enabling them to benefit from this outstanding opportunity. 


Vic Champs Netball Team - State Finals

Congratulations to our Grade 6 Girls Netball Team who have successfully qualified for the Netball Victoria State Championship Finals. They will be competing at the State Netball and Hockey Centre on Thursday 31st August, supported by their coach Vanessa. 

We would like to thank Vanessa and all the other parents for enabling their children to enjoy this amazing opportunity of representing Wonga Park Primary School on such a significant occasion. 

Performing Arts

A huge congratulations to all Grade 3-6 students who participated in the Senior Production, What a Knight! We had two wonderfully successful shows with brilliant performances from each grade. Our 'speaking role' students demonstrated such energy and enthusiasm when playing their characters, and we could not be more proud of the commitment and dedication that they have shown throughout months of rehearsals. 


We would like to thank the whole WPPS community including staff, students and families for your support of the production. It would not be possible without the help of the community. Thank you to both teachers backstage during the performances and community members front of house! We had a wonderful team of parent helpers helping out constructing the art gallery in the theatre foyer, selling snacks to hungry audience members, painting scenery, taking photos, washing costumes and helping at the theatre rehearsal with student supervision.   


This space continues to be exciting as we get closer to our new Performing Arts room being ready for us to move into and use as a classroom and performance space. Our Prep students have begun their work rehearsing for the Prep Concert which will take place in mid-term 4.