
πŸ“š Book Week πŸ“š

We were AMAZED by the costumes that the Preps came in for Book Week. They looked spectacular, and they had so much fun parading around at our assembly. Thank you to the parents and families who helped make these costumes come to life! We hope you enjoy the photos (scroll across to view them all 😊).

All the Preps!
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C
All the Preps!
Prep A
Prep B
Prep C


πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Gymnastics πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

We have completed a wonderful five weeks at Eclipse Gymnastics. The Preps loved learning new skills and building their gross motor muscles, all whilst having so much fun! We were so proud of the way they represented our school, from their impeccable manners on the bus, to their attentive listening to the new gymnastics teachers. Some of the highlights were the foam pit and travelling on the bus!

Fun in the foam pit!
Swinging on the rope
Swinging on the bars
Balancing on the beams
More swinging on the rings
Fun in the foam pit!
Swinging on the rope
Swinging on the bars
Balancing on the beams
More swinging on the rings

🌏 CBL 🌏

We have continued to explore the idea of Diversity and we have moved our thinking onto Australian animals. We have loved looking at real life images of animals in their habitats. We had great fun collaging some of the different animal habitats, sharing our favourite animal in news groups and creating playscapes for the diverse animal homes. See below for some of our collaged habitats!

Bush habitat
Waterways habitat
Rainforest habitat
Desert habitat
Bush habitat
Waterways habitat
Rainforest habitat
Desert habitat

Another way we explored habitats was to go on a Habitat Hunt! We went outside on a perfect, sunny day to explore the environment around us and wonder about the native animals that might live there. We used our iPads to take photos of different habitats, then we used the Β 'Book Creator' app to collage photos of animals into the photos we took. Ask your child to show you their photos in their 'Diversity' book! See below for photos of our Habitat Hunt.