Grade 3 and 4

Book Week

The Book Week theme for 2023 is 'Read, Grow, Inspire' and our students loved dressing up as characters that inspire them to read. Aside from dressing up, Book Week was celebrated in Grade 3 and 4 by reading texts shortlisted by the The Children's Book Council of Australia and completing tasks linked to these.

Production - What a Knight!

The school production was a great opportunity for students to experience performing in front of an audience, showcasing their musical and dancing abilities. A huge thank you to Mrs Lambden and Mrs O’Sullivan who worked incredibly hard to give our students this amazing experience.

Here are some reviews from our Grade 3 and 4 students:

  • ‘All the lights made the stage look like it was in a fantasy world.’ (Jacob Y)
  • ‘The thrill of the curtains opening was amazing!’ (Gracie M)
  • ‘The feeling of the curtains opening, nerves and excitement.’ (Chloe P-W)
  • ‘I loved the songs because they were cool and wonderful.’ (Kayden)
  • ‘All of the costumes looked fantastic.’ (Olivia R)
  • 'The feeling of being onstage with my friends was amazing.’ (Ella P)
  • ‘The lighting was phenomenal.’ (Cooper P)
  • ‘I liked doing our class song because it had a really nice tune, and it suited our dance moves.’ (Lily C)
  • ‘I loved being on a stage again, in front of a big audience.’ (Emmy B)
  • ‘I really enjoyed the last song.’ (Oscar L)
  • ‘I really liked the show because I could perform in front of a lot of people. Something in me made me not want to get off the stage, to keep performing.’ (Zara G)
  • ‘I was happy that so many people came to watch the show. It filled my bucket!’ (Jennifer W)

Crazy Sock Day

Our Crazy Sock Day is always a lot of fun, and it was incredible to see the number of coloured ankles in the yard! A huge thank you to the families that took the time to ensure their child had some unique socks to wear, and also for contributing money towards our Student Voice team’s chosen charities, Food Bank and The Sock Drive.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Our Grade 3 and 4 students yet again cooked up a storm during our kitchen garden class. We love hearing how some of our students are accessing the recipes via Showbie and preparing meals for their families at home. What a fantastic way to showcase their cooking skills and connect with the family!

Aside from the beloved cooking sessions, our students are always eager to visit the chickens during our gardening time- not only for a cuddle, but also to top up their pellets, provide fresh water and hay and of course to collect the eggs.

Three-way Conferences

The conferences provide a wonderful opportunity for staff, parents and students to come together to celebrate academic and personal achievements and discuss further learning opportunities. We are so proud of how our Grade 3 and 4 students led these meetings, confidently explaining their learning in chosen work samples. 


Camp Update

We are only a few weeks away from 3/4 Camp! Here are a few reminders to make sure your child is fully prepared: 

  • Dietary Requirements must be submitted, via the link emailed to families (email should have been received from
  • The Clothing List has been sent out and is also on Showbie. Please make note of the luggage requirements that have been sent out from the bus company (also attached on Showbie). 
  • Final Payment is due Friday 25th of August on Sentral. 
  • Medications are to be collected at the front of school on Friday September 8th after the school day (3:20pm approx.) if not required on the weekend. 
  • Make sure to pack lunch for the first day for your child in a bag to take on the bus.