Grade 5 and 6

3-6 Production

This year’s Grade 3-6 production was What a Knight! Students had the opportunity to experience performing in front of an audience. They showcased their acting, singing and dancing skills last Monday and Tuesday night at Mount Lilydale Mercy College. It was amazing to see so many families come and enjoy the show. A huge thank you to Mrs Lambden and Mrs O’Sullivan - all your hard work has paid off! 


Book Week 

This year's Book Week theme was, 'Read, Grow, Inspire'. Students celebrated all things literature and participated in an amazing Book Week parade on Thursday morning. Thank you to all families for helping students prepare and organise costumes. It was fantastic to see all their incredibly creative costumes. Well done! 


This week in CBL the Grade Five and Six students considered the diversity of geographical locations through biomes. They chose a biome of their choice to do further research on. Students discovered the characteristics of their biomes, including climate, landscape, flora and fauna. Throughout the week, students have been creating a diorama to showcase their research. Students have not yet completed these but they are already looking incredible!