Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

It has been a busy and exciting few weeks with our Senior Production, P-2 Gymnastics program, our Grade 4s visit to the 3 year old kinder groups at Burch Pre-school to share their toy creations, Grade 3-6 Athletics Day, Grade 1/2 zoo excursion, three-way conferences, Crazy Sock Day and Book Week. So much learning, collaborating and fun!


Congratulations to our students in Grades 3-6 for their outstanding performances of What A Knight! Senior Production. And what a night it was for both of the amazing performances. Our students blew us away with the confidence and joy they displayed! We were so proud of everyone’s efforts and willingness to be involved and have-a-go, especially for those where performing was a little outside their comfort zone. A colossal thank you to Mrs O and Mrs Lambden for their passion and dedication to facilitate this amazing production – our students will never forget the thrill of being part of something so special and having the chance to perform front of a huge audience! A big thank you also to the teachers, support staff and parent volunteers for helping in so many ways with performance practices, costumes, ticketing, parking, catering, programs, ushering, stage managing, lighting & sound, photos, transporting props and more!  Both performances were videoed and shortly all families will receive (for free) a link for both nights so you can enjoy the shows again. There will also be the option of ordering a DVD or Blue-ray of the performances for a small cost.


Performing Arts Room Update

We are very excited that our long-awaited Performing Arts Room is almost completed!  All that needs to be finished now is the installation of the carpet and some final landscaping touches. We look forward to students being able to start using their new space very soon and planning for our first community event!  


Three-way Conferences

Our recent Three-way Conferences were a great opportunity for students to proudly lead the conversation about their learning with their parents and teachers. It is a celebration that students prepare for, deciding on the learning they would like to share, and thinking about the ‘next stretch’ that will see them continue to improve and grow. Congratulations to our students - we are very proud of how invested and insightful you are about your learning!


Book Week – Read, Grow, Inspire

What a fun event to see everyone dressed as their favourite book character.  There were some very creative costumes and some very clever book teams!  Many thanks to our families for coming along to the parade and helping with the creation of the costumes.


Parent Opinion Survey

Each year schools invite parents/carers/caregivers to participate in a survey to find out what they think about their child’s school. This annual survey is offered by the Department of Education and is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. A random sample of 100 parents/carers/caregivers (which is approximately 30 per cent of our parent population) has been selected to participate in this year’s survey. The survey is confidential and anonymous, and provides us with rich insights and perspectives which we value enormously. The closing date for the survey is Friday, September 8th.  We will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies, and we thank you in advance for your contribution.


Dental Van

All families should have recently received information regarding the Australian Dental Van service. If you would like your child to participate in this service please complete the registration form and return it to your child’s classroom teacher.  The dental van will be at the school in Week 10 of Term 4.


Grant Application

The school has applied to the Warrandyte Community Bank for the 2023 round of community grants. We have greatly appreciated the support of the Warrandyte Community Bank over many years.  Their generous support has contributed to many of our projects around the school including the Kids Kitchen, the whole school mosaic, our basketball court roof, the Welcome To Country Garden, and our upcoming creative play space. Our newest application is to replace the original playground at the front of the school with a new, more modern and accessible playground for the school and wider community.


Partnership News

A very big thank you to our Parent Partnership team for all their hard work to connect our community and help raise funds to keep improving our school. Thank you to our families who supported the recent Trivia Night and Pie Drive, helping to raise around $4 000.  Put the date for the upcoming Father’s Day Breakfast in your diary – Thursday September 7th.


There are lots of important upcoming events and learning still to come in the coming weeks including our Grade 3/4 camp to Phillip Island, CBL challenges around the Big Idea of Diversity, Senior Hooptime, District Athletics, Grade 5/6 Adolescent Health program and more!


Please put the date of the last pupil free day of the year in your diary - the first day of Term 4 - Monday, October 2nd. The teachers will be working together on our literacy priority on this day.


Thank you for your continuing support and partnering.

Warm regards
