Monarch Community Report
Students worked on reading and interpreting poetry, using different examples of poetry. Students were immersed in different poem types. We also looked at different figurative language that is used in poems including:
- Similes
- Hyperbole
- Alliteration
- Metaphors
- Personification
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymorons
Students read poems and answered comprehension questions to dig deeper into poems, including how they interpret the poems.
Student also engaged in weekly individual reading groups where they worked towards their own personal reading goal.
In writing, the year 5/6 students learnt how to write information reports. They explored the importance of following the writing process to develop a good information report. Our learning in writing was heavily influenced by our learning in Inquiry. All students wrote their own information report about a planet or cosmic phenomenon. Students created their own factual, analysing, predicting and evaluating questions about their chosen topic and engaged in their own research.
Our Grade 5/6 students have been focusing on Measurement and Geometry, aligned with the Victoria curriculum. From calculating perimeters and areas of shapes to exploring the dimensions of 3D objects, their learning journey has been filled with discovering and defining volume, capacity, and mastering location concepts. The students are learning to embrace mathematical challenges, fostering critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills.
Students have been learning how to use observations to describe how space objects move across the sky. Additionally, they have started to research and interpret data in order to create a scaled model of the solar system.
Upcoming Events
Go Climb - Wednesday, 6th of September
House Spirit Day - Friday, 8th of September
Grade 6 Graduation - Thursday, 14th of December
FunFields Excursion - Tuesday, 19th of December
While it is important for your child to stay home to recover if they are unwell, it is imperative that your child comes to school. Teachers make every effort to provide sequential, challenging and engaging programs. These programs do not factor in absences. If your child is absent they miss out on vital instructions and basic skills. Effects of absences accumulate over time and can have implications to future as well as current academic achievement.
If your child is to be absent, it is your responsibility, as a parent, to alert the office or classroom teacher to this situation - this can be done via Compass, in person or phone call to the office.
It is imperative that your child is punctual to school every day. There are so many things to do in a day at school that being late causes frustration to all concerned. Students miss out on the roll call, vital information about the day or events which are coming up, notices and teaching instruction. Of course, if your child has a medical appointment, it is far better that your child comes in late than taking a whole day off. However, sleeping in or being slow in the morning is unacceptable. Again, this sets an unfavourable pattern for later in life.
Each week students will have homework to complete. The homework consists of nightly reading and a mathematics activity on Prodigy or My Numeracy. Homework is expected to be completed and handed in each Friday morning through the school diary. It would be helpful if you worked out a homework schedule with your child, which will help them to organise their time and reduce stress for them and your whole family. Make sure you take into consideration all of your child’s out of school commitments such as sport, dancing, music lessons and social events etc... Hence the invaluable use of their school diaries.
Water bottles:
It is important to supply your child with a suitable drink bottle filled with fresh water, to use whilst at school. The bottles should be brought to school every day to drink whenever they please. Water helps to improve concentration as well as used to quench their thirst especially after sports. Your understanding will be greatly appreciated.
Fruit, Vegetables and Food:
We are still trying to encourage families to cut down on processed foods such as chips, chocolates and lollies for play lunch in exchange for fabulous fruits and vegetables. We are also trying to encourage students to make healthier choices for lunches and snacks. Please send your child with fresh fruit and vegetables to eat throughout the day. Also, pack a nutritious lunch for your child to eat daily.
Finally, please feel free to speak with your child’s teacher or our Learning Community Leader - Zeinab. If he or she is unable to speak to you immediately, as their teaching duties are their first priority, they will be more than happy to make an appointment with you to discuss any of your concerns or questions.
Thanks for reading,
From The Monarch Team.
Zeinab, Paul, Shae, Ella, Michelle. B and Con