Principal's News

Dear Families,


Social media is increasingly becoming a tool that children engage in. Whilst there are potential benefits in social media, as with all technology, it can also expose children to inappropriate material and cyberbullying. Interactions between students through social media, whilst occurring outside of school, often flows over into the school setting, with students experiencing distress from inappropriate behaviour or exclusion. Students can also be exposed to inappropriate content that prompts them to behave inappropriately themselves.


As educators, we regularly talk to the students about the need to be careful online, in addition to helping students understand the ramifications of the negative use of social media. 


Of particular concern is the increasing use of platforms such as Snapchat and Tik Tok by students. St Mary’s strongly recommend that children do not use social media/networking platforms until they have reached the required minimum age e.g. 13+. 


We respect parental decisions and choices when it comes to children’s internet usage, however, we ask that parents place appropriate boundaries around and closely monitor their child’s use of the Internet, Mobile Phones and Social Media outside of school hours.


For your reference you will find the minimum age requirements for a range of popular social websites below:



The ‘Office of Children’s eSafety Commissioner’, a government body, has a wealth of parental information to guide you in monitoring your child’s online activity. The following link will take you to those resources and information, and we strongly encourage you to visit this website:



It is often very difficult for parents to keep up to date with the latest trends in social media, and this resource will help you understand the nature and uses of the most current apps and websites. Even as technology changes, the importance of clear boundaries and expectations in the home has the greatest impact. 


The school has also recently provided access to the Cybersafety Project webinars. The link to these webinars was shared via Seesaw.  


Please talk to your children about their social media use and encourage them to use it responsibly. At St Mary’s, we emphasise the need to act out our RICH values whether it be online or in face-to-face interactions. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about online interactions and the importance of those interactions aligning with your family's values and expectations. 


Students have also been reminded that it is a whole-school expectation that all mobile devices, including smartwatches, are handed in at the office at the beginning of the school day, to be stored securely. Student devices are otherwise not permitted on school premises and they are not to be used on the school premises during school hours.


Matthew Sweeney
