
Last week Foundation students learnt about the life cycle of a sunflower and then got crafty by making their very own flower. We looked at sunflower seeds and discussed when the right time is to plant the seeds. This week we discussed how water travels up the stem of plants and into the leaves to provide nourishment and help with growth. We conducted an experiment titled ‘thirsty celery’ by adding food colouring to a stalk of celery in water. We will be observing how the coloured water travels up the stalk and through to the leaves over the next week.

Year 1

Year 1 students have worked hard to design their own dinosaurs by adding familiar body parts from a range of different types.

Year 2

Students have been learning about the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly. We also discussed the migration of the eastern Monarch from the USA and Canada to the warmer forests of Mexico. Students created a butterfly pasta life cycle.

Year 5 

Students held their Makey Makey, Scratch coding interactive planet posters exhibition in the hall on Thursday. Years 1 to 4 got to listen to audio recordings about different planets when they touched the foil pads on the posters. This was made possible by students coding information on their planets in Scratch and then attaching a Makey Makey circuit board and clips to conductive material (foil) on the posters.

Year 6 

Students took part in their Code Masters incursion on Tuesday. They got to use a range of robotic devices which travelled across the hall, solve clues based on different components of a computer to unlock a surprise in a treasure box and got to work with binary numbers and codes to create pictures. They also were able to handle and explore the various parts of a computer and then were challenged to put it all back together.


Dorothy Markou

STEAM Teacher