The Cecil Voice 

- Episode 6 & 7

Australian legal luminaries visit Cecil

Listen to these twin episodes of The Cecil Voice wherein our Year 12 Legal Studies students had the opportunity to interview two prominent figures in Australia's legal community.


In episode six, Cisem Kolac and Aditya Datt had the opportunity to speak to The Honourable Roger Dive about his journey as a former Senior Judge of the Drug Court of NSW:

Episode seven saw Jorja Jackson and Kuber Thakur speak to The Honourable Robert Tickner AO about his experiences as a former Federal Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and as a former CEO of the Australian Red Cross:

These final two episode concludes our Leadership Series for now. Our students enjoyed learning from the following community leaders and their leadership journey:

We look forward to bringing your more episodes in two of our upcoming series, one of which explores the theme of inclusion while the other pays tribute to Cecil's rich history.






Nina Ishak

Legal Studies Teacher