Fostering leadership and social responsibility

Congratulations to our successful Cecil Hills High School Senior and Junior Improvement Program Coordinators

Senior High School Improvement Plan Coordinators

Callum Wilcox
Noor Naim
Callum Wilcox
Noor Naim

Junior High School Improvement Plan Coordinators 

Rasha Kamil
Mark Slobodzian
Rasha Kamil
Mark Slobodzian

Our newly appointed Improvement program coordinators are working closely with the Careers Adviser Mrs Mary Reid on post-school transition programs for students to help identify students for transition support. They discuss issues and areas of development with the Deputy Principals and contribute to a case management approach to supporting identified students. They support students at risk of non-completion of course requirements. Motivating students and improving study habits also plays a key part in improving our students’ work habits across the school. We are looking forward to our newly formed team working collaboratively across the school to support our wonderful students. 


Actively promoting wellbeing in our Year 7 students

All Year 7 female students participated in a wellbeing session focused on menstruation. The discussion, facilitated by Ms Priya Kumar, Ms Bianca Li Donni and Ms Felicity Wicks, covered an explanation of the menstrual cycle, what to expect when getting your first period, uncovering common myths, products that are available on the market as well as some handy tips for self-care. The aim of the session was to normalise this discussion and empower students to talk more comfortably and candidly about menstruation. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and were provided with a menstrual product pack supplied by U by Kotex.


A big thank you to our staff that delivered such an important session for our girls. 

Year 11 Hospitality

Our Stage 6 Hospitality course develops knowledge, understanding and skills about the hospitality industry and emphasises the food and beverage sector, which includes food and beverage production and service. Hospitality education emphasises the development of interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, preparing students for a wide range of career opportunities in front and back of house Hospitality pathways. We are extremely proud of our Hospitality students and the dedication they have shown in refining their skills. I certainly enjoyed seeing them in action in our commercial kitchens.   

Fun to be had at the Year 11 Ski trip

Our Year 11 students had a wonderful time bonding at the Snow in Week 4. They experienced some good weather and were lucky to be supported by their wonderful teachers. It was great to see their smiling faces in these photos. 










Christine Lord

Deputy Principal - Year 7 and Year 11