From the Principal's Desk

Dear MSPS Community,
In our regional principal meeting last week, we delved into the revised Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) where wellbeing shares the centre stage alongside teaching and learning. Teachers and parents have long known that if a child’s wellbeing needs are not met, academic progress will slow. We are observing an understandable increase in the wellbeing needs of our students including dysregulated behaviours, social conflict, separation anxiety, reduced focus and attention, and general anxiety. We are working strategically with the resources we have available to respond to these challenges and to build our professional knowledge and whole school approach to teaching our students how to successfully manage their re-entry into the social world of play and learning at school. Thank you to those families who are proactively partnering with our teachers and leaders to ensure positive outcomes for all our students. Currently, we have a couple of lunch clubs operating and I am most thankful to all the staff and students involved. We have lunchtime library, a Dance Club and the Environment group. It just provides some extra activities to those children who are not wanting the usual games that occur at lunchtimes or at least gives them some variety. Our hope is to investigate holding some additional clubs.
School Photo make up session – individual and sibling photos – Tuesday 12th April, Bundoora location
Students not present this week for the school photos can attend the MSP catch up photo session on the school holidays. Class group photos will go ahead this week with those students present. Bookings for the make-up sessions are essential. Contact MSP directly by emailing or calling 9466 7331. You will need to provide school name, student name, class and parent/carer contact number.
Furniture donation to the Soloman Islands
This week our old school desks and chairs as well as a collection of library books and readers, were collected to start their journey to the Soloman Islands. Rotary International arranged shipping of the furniture that will go to disadvantaged schools. Thank you to our parent volunteers Johny Mohr, Ian Steward and Nghiem Tran for helping with the move. Also special thanks to Amanda Ringin for organising the donation and Tara De Bondi for assisting.
Mondo Bin
Many of you will have noticed the new recycling deposit bin on the front lawn this week. This “Mondo Bin” is a recycling, educational and fundraising program that diverts 100% of the collected material from landfill.
Of the donated items, 70% can be reused in local and global communities where they are needed most, 15% is recycled into wiper rags and the remaining 15% is converted into biofuels.
If you have any unwanted clothing, toys or linen gathering dust in your cupboards, then bag them up and place them in the bin. $0.10 cents for every kilogram collected will be paid to the school.
Oli Lee from 3B is fundraising for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Please donate any good quality, used toys and games in the box at the front office foyer. A stall will be held at lunchtime on Tuesday 29th March and Thursday 31st March. Students can shop for toys with pocket money (50c - $2). All money raised will go to the hospital.
No baby or toddler gifts please. Donations should appeal to school aged children.
This is a fantastic initiative Oli. We wish you well raising money for this great cause.
New playground
The design for our new playground has now been completed as part of the Victorian Schools Building Authority. The playground will be located on the old oval site between the Year 5 portables and the kitchen and garden area.
We envisage the playground will commence in Term 3 and hopefully will be complete by the end of the year. Fingers crossed it will be sooner though
Kiss and Drop Zones
We regret that we need to remind parents/carers that the Kiss and Drop zones are quick-drop/pick up parks and you must not park and leave your vehicle. These parks are designed to keep the traffic moving in a safe and efficient way. Cars parked for longer than necessary cause bank ups.
Please avoid waiting in the car queue across the Grand Boulevard footpath. Remember the new Kiss and Drop zone is now operating on Reichelt Ave.
Prep C‘s Harry Marks became a big brother for a second time, to baby Finn on 1st March. Finn makes boy No. 3 for parents Emily & David. Congratulations!
Change of management – Grander School of Music
Steve Grandage has recently handed over his music business to his long-time subcontracting teacher Flynn Sky McCormick. Nothing will change for the students of Grander School of Music, but we wanted to thank Steve for his service to the school community over the years and wish him well in his future endeavours.
Dates for the diary
This week - Thurs 17 March – School Photos
Friday 25 March – Casual Dress Day (Donation of items for Easter raffle rather than gold coin)
Weds 30 March, 8:30am – Second hand uniform sale
Weds 30 March – Year 3 Yarning Circles excursion
Thurs 7 April, 9:30am – Easter Bonnet Parade & Easter raffle draw
Friday 8 April – Term 1 ends / 2.30pm finish
Tues 26 April – Term 2 starts
Leanne Sheean
Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges traditional owners of country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to elders both past, present and future.
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve