Mathematics News

Mrs O'Neill, Head Teacher Mathematics


Year 8 

Year 8 are settling into their new classes, subjects and spaces. In Year 8 students study Mathematics in conjunction with Science in a subject called STEM. 

This term students are exploring the question “Do you have the need for speed?”. Students are learning about rates, speed, distance and time, and equations in this project. This project will culminate with students designing, building and testing a toy vehicle. Students will use their maths skills to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of their designs.  


Year 9 

In Maths this term students are exploring the question “How can I make numbers work for me?”.  The focus of this REAL project is for students to develop their number knowledge and understanding – which form the core skills used for the rest of Stage 5.  

In Science this term students have been using physics content to explore the question “Can we recycle creatively?” During this topic, students learn about physics and its role in the real world while developing their data analysis skills.  


Year 10 

In maths, students in Year 10 have begun the year with an in-depth data investigation. Student are developing their skills in preparation for Stage 6 next year by conducting an independent process of data collection, analysis, interpretation and graphing to make recommendations. This work allows students to see the implications of the use of data in the real world and in various jobs and industries.  

In Science students have been studying Chemical Reactions and applying their knowledge to performing experiments of these reactions in class, while developing their skills to prepare them for Stage 6. 


Year 11 

Most of our new senior students have settled into their Stage 6 courses. It is important that students are focused in class and complete some studying at home each week from the very beginning of their maths and science courses in Year 11. Many of the first assessment tasks have been issued and will be due before the end of the term.  

This year is the first year KKHS have run the new NESA designed Numeracy CEC course in stage 6. This course is designed to ensure students who may not be interested in the further study of formal mathematics are equipped to think and work with practical numeracy skills in their future studies or employment. Students in this course are doing great work and the feedback has been really positive.  


Year 12 

Less than three terms to go for this group of students. Stay calm, stay focused and remember that your teachers are here to help and support you.  Make good use of your free periods – and access the study centre to help you achieve your best.  Assessment task 2 has been issued for all maths and science courses in Year 12 – remember to plan out your work and make sure you are ready to submit your work on time. 


Important Notices for Mathematics and Science 

All lessons are available on Canvas – if students are absent they can access the work from home 

Students need a laptop in all lessons 

Students must also have a book and writing equipment in each lesson 

A NESA approved scientific calculator is mandatory for Mathematics 

We recommend the Casio fx-82 AU Plus II, which can be purchased at the front office at a substantial discount