Year 8 – Let’s think like Geographers 

Students in year eight have been discussing and assessing the liveability of our home – Kurri Kurri. They’ve looked at data and discussed all the factors that make this community wonderful, and those factors that they’d like to see improved over time.  

As part of their studies, they have had to think like Geographers asking questions like: 

Is this qualitative data? 

Is this quantitative data? 

What does this data tell me about my community? 

Soon, they will compile their own fieldwork questions and these questions will then be condensed down into surveys for the local community to complete. Please keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram; we would love to hear what you think about our local community. 


Year 9 – What makes a character believable? 

Year 9 are right into their studies of World War I, World War II and narrative writing. They are investigating the concept of character and asking questions like: 


- How do I know what this character cares about? 

- What in the story tells me about this person and their personality? 

- What does my character look like and what do they feel? 

- They have investigated narratives for these clues and will eventually write their own narrative featuring a complex character. To help them visualise their characters, they’ve drawn them – aren’t they cute?


Year 10 – What do we give a damn about? 

Students have been learning all about rights and freedoms – which lately, seem very contested! There is a lot of tension in today’s modern society and the kids are very aware of this – they’ve shared some amazing ideas and asked very relevant questions. 

In Ms Norberry’s class, students have been using their skills on digital apps to build images that protest the human rights violations from all around the world – have a look at this wonderful example of student talent. 


Stage 6 – Year 11 and 12 


In Stage 6, we love to acknowledge our super stars, as there are always so many. These students work hard, bring us joy and show dedication to their learning every day. Here’s a shout out to you, super stars! 


Madeline Puxty – Modern History 

Shianna Alexander – Modern History 

Aidan Shields – English Studies 

Amy Chang – English Studies 

Sonia Flannery – English Studies 

Dylan Grennan – English Standard 

Claudia Hancock – English Standard 

Coby Griffiths – English Standard 

Georgia Ross – Ancient History 

Aneva Bartlett – Ancient History 

Nicholas Sharp – English Advanced