Welcome Year 7  

Blue Hub
Blue Hub
Gold Hub
Gold Hub
Gold Hub
Blue Hub
Blue Hub
Gold Hub
Gold Hub
Gold Hub

Year 7 has started the year strong, displaying perseverance and a willingness to strive for excellence. Students have settled well into high school and are actively engaging with their teachers to produce well-rounded units of work. Bootcamp was first on the agenda for year 7, it taught students the skills they require to be successful in a constantly evolving environment. The introduction to CANVAS and the digital ways in which students access their learning presented challenges initially, however students rose to the occasion. With CANVAS students are required to use their device every lesson so it is vitally important that students bring a fully charged laptop to school.  


Moving forward Year 7 have just started their first project ‘How Do You Adapt To Thrive’. Project 1 explores Animal adaptations, Story books and STEM investigations. Students are encouraged to seek support when they are experiencing difficulties.  


If you need to discuss your child’s learning please feel free to contact your child’s teacher and they are more than happy to discuss student progress.  


Staff you may need to get in contact with:  


Hubs Teachers: 

Blue Hub - Ms Dunn, Ms Kidd and Ms Horne 

White Hub - Ms Sams and Ms Hartman 

Gold Hub -  Mr Berry and Ms O’Connell 

Silver Hub - Ms Twyford and Ms Seton 


Year Advisors: Mr Berry and Mr Asvestas 


Head Teacher: Mr Brown 


Deputy Principal: Ms Brady 


We hope to have a wonderful year full of learning focusing around communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.  


Kind Regards, 

Mr Brown  

Head Teacher