This term, covid restrictions have made it quite hard for the SRC to get together and have meetings, however, things have finally returned to normal in the last week and we have now been able to meet in person, welcome new members and start discussing 2022 goals for KKHS! 


Firstly, we would like to introduce you to your SRC for 2022: 

Year 9: Georgie Clarke & Bowie McCourt 

Year 10: Samuel Tedd 

Year 11: Seth Wilton 

Year 12: Paul Jiminez, Sharra Gibson-Puller, Aidan Sneesby,  Meila Connolly, Tatum Clancy, Jackson Stuart, Kobi Lynch, Aidan Shields, Flynn Crouch and Liam Couperthwaite 


As a group, we have come up with 2 main focuses for the year:  

1. Using our time and effort efficiently to better our school 

2. Ensuring that students have a voice in the school 


These two focuses will always be at the forefront of our minds when we are making decisions about our goals for KKHS.  


If there are any issues that you believe the SRC should address, please leave a suggestion in our suggestion box which you can find in the library. Or you can always chat to any of your friendly SRC members. 



To get to know our School Captains, Sharra and Paul a little better we asked them a few questions, check out their answers below:


What three words best describe yourselves?

Paul: Energetic, creative, personable
Sharra: Optimistic, Determined, Passionate

What are your main passions/interests?

Paul: Going to the gym, doing well in school & hanging out with the boys
Sharra: Soccer, school & friends

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?

Paul: Chris Bumstead- humble, disciplined and goal driven
Sharra: I don't know who I'd meet

What is one thing you would like to achieve as a school leader?

Paul: I want to highlight the positive true potential of Kurri Kurri High School students despite the negativity that may surround us
Sharra: To represent school with pride