Ms Brady - Years 7 & 10

Welcome back to a new school year, I’m sure 2022 is going to be an exciting and productive year as I begin working with Year 7 as they settle into the routines, norms and expectations of high school, Year 10 as they become aware of the responsibilities they need to meet for their Year 10 Record of School Achievement and those students participating in the accelerated program navigate their way through beginning their HSC studies, and Stage 4 curriculum matters. 

The start to the year has been very positive with Year 7 settling into the way we learn and work at KKHS, participating in lessons that explicitly teach the rules, routines, norms and expectations we have of all students at KKHS. They have completed Bootcamp where they were introduced to what it was like to be a learner at KKHS with a focus on Literacy, Numeracy and skill development. Through my classroom visits I am very pleased to see that most students are coming to school each day with their device ready to learn and with a curious nature. Hub teachers have been introducing the students to the Learning Disposition Wheel where students are identifying their strengths and yet to be strengths as a learner and developing ways to improve through setting goals for the year ahead. Further to my visits to the classrooms and my conversations with the students in the playground at lunch breaks, all have assured me they are happy to finally be at high school which is pleasing to hear. Unfortunately, we were not able to hold the “Meet the Teacher” afternoon due to Covid restrictions. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teachers to arrange a meeting to establish support. There are several excursions being planned for Term 1 and 2 with the Year 7 camp being planned for the end of Term 2. Please check your emails regularly to ensure you are receiving all information being communicated. If you are not receiving emails or have changed your details, please contact the office to inform the school of these changes. 

Year 10 have had a positive return to school to learn that there are expectations surrounding the Record of School Achievement (RoSA). The RoSA is useful to students leaving school prior to the HSC because they can show it to potential employers or places of further learning. To meet the requirements of the Stage 5 RoSA, it is important that students are in class and completing classwork and assessments. The New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) and the NSW Education Act 1990 states that they may “refuse to grant a Record of School Achievement to a student whose attendance or application at school has been of such an unsatisfactory character that the granting of a Record of School Achievement would not, in the opinion of the Authority, be justified” and this information is being conveyed to Year 10 so they are aware of these expectations and are able to meet them.  

 A reminder to students and parents regarding school uniform. As we are a uniformed school, I would like to remind parents the importance of students wearing full school uniform including polo shirts, jumpers and shorts. As we get to the end of Term 1 it is a good time to get organised and purchase your winter uniform especially those needing a new hoodie. 

Finally, all students need to ensure they are READY TO LEARN every day, which includes a fully charged device, a book and a pen in EVERY LESSON. If you need to access the device loan program offered at KKHS please contact your child’s Year Advisor for more information. 

Ms Somerville - Years 8 & 11


Welcome back to the school year and all that it has to offer! It has been great to have the students back in class this year and we hope that things stay this way for the rest of the year.  

Year 11 have jumped straight into their learning with many students finding that there is a big gap between the expectations in Year 10 and the demands of Year 11. Students are now expected to complete work at home as well as in class, covering both new content and developing new skills which can be a little daunting.  Many students have found that while they don’t have a full day of classes on a Friday, instead of going home, their time is better spent in the Study Centre getting assistance from teachers to catch up on work and be prepared for their up coming assessments. The Senior Study Centre is open every morning and afternoon and is a quiet place for students to get some additional help with the work they need to complete. Assessment tasks will be coming out soon so it is important for students to develop a study timetable and set aside time to complete tasks, revise notes as well as include time for themselves. Remember the road to the HSC is a marathon, not a sprint and we are wanting to encourage and support academic excellence for all of our senior students.  Copies of the assessment schedules for each course can be accessed through Canvas and if you have any concerns around assessments please call and speak to the classroom teacher or Head teacher of that subject area. If you have any questions around the pattern of study your student in undertaking, please call and speak to the Careers Advisor, Mrs Sellars-Foggarty who can answer any questions.  

Year 8 have easily adapted to the new Hub learning structure this year and are getting to know the different students who may not have been in their class last year. Instead of having two teachers for all subjects, they have different teachers for Quest, Stem and Lifestyle, allowing them to meet more teachers in the school and have little more variety in their learning. Some students have struggled with understanding their timetable and the different classes they have but hopefully all are now well on track to being in class on time. Students have also started technology lessons which has seen them begin their practical work in the kitchens, computer labs and woodwork rooms. There were definitely a lot of smiles during the cooking of pizza last week although I am not sure how much pizza actually made it home.  

As always, for each year group we have a focus on being in uniform and being ready to learn with laptops, pens and books. Please make sure that your student leaves each day in their Kurri High shirt, shorts and hoodie as well as making sure they have enough equipment to see them through the day. 

Ms Toni Wilson - Years 9 & 12

What a fabulous start to 2022 we are having at Kurri Kurri High School in Year 9 and 12. Students are settling in positively to our school norms and expectations and this is providing a settled learning environment in which to reach personal best. 

Year 9 students have risen to the challenge of transitioning from Hub based learning to the Stage 5 learning environment where every course sees students in faculty-based classrooms with course expert teachers, as well as the start of accessing elective courses. Although this is a change from Stage 4, REAL projects remain within all Key Learning Areas. As students settle into this more independent stage of learning, it is imperative that they have their laptops charged daily and are ready for learning each and every lesson. For those students requiring a school laptop, please see the IT team ASAP. Due to the progressive and demanding nature of the Stage 5 curriculum, it is equally important that students attend school every day, of course unless they are sick. A good attendance above 90% is needed to make sure students gain the best education possible. Missing days of learning has a negative impact on their future success. 

Year 12 have settled into their second term of learning and are taking advantage of the support and guidance offered by our Senior Learning Centre. For those wanting to access this space more, please remember opening hours are before and after school as well as during your untimetabled periods. In the lead up to the trials, I strongly suggest that all non-class time is used wisely accessing this centre to support your current assessment and learning needs as well as to support you to gain a stronger understanding of the study skills required to succeed. 

2022 HSC students, please remember to access the NESA HSC Student Guide for access to past HSC papers, HSC Study Guide and important wellbeing resources. 

Now that we are back to on-site learning and have our daily school routines in place there is a focus on personal best every day. Deputies and our Principal Mr Hope are out in the playground every break and visiting classrooms to support our students to remain focussed and strive for excellence.  

Mrs Kylie Edwards - Big Picture, Covid Tutoring, Careers & Aboriginal Education

Welcome back to the 2022 school year! It has certainly been a very busy start to the school year, and I am very much looking forward to seeing some of our new programs which are in the pipeline come to fruition! 


Big Picture Academy

The Big Picture Academy has undergone its transformation from Studio School and in line with our changes, we have moved all the Advisory spaces together to ensure we are establishing our advisory culture. Town Halls are a feature of Big Picture Education, and with the changes in Covid restrictions, they will be led by our students to build our Advisory norms and culture.  

We have gained two new Advisors this year, Taylah Grainger who has become the Year 12 Advisor and Andrew Forrer who is the Year 9 Advisor. Both are welcome additions to our faculty!  

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 attended a zoom meeting with Ann Hill from Big Picture Education to develop their understanding of the International Big Picture Learning Credential. These credentials allow students to go to University, TAFE or gain an apprenticeship or traineeship.  

Changes in Covid restrictions have meant that students in Years 10-12 are now able to obtain a Learning Through Internship (LTI). We have a number of students who have started their LTI’s. The purpose of the LTI is for students to explore their passions and interests and is a requirement of all Big Picture students. We are always looking for employers or groups who may be interested in hosting our students for work experience. As a parent who runs a business or who works in a business who would be interested in hosting students for either a LTI or work experience, please contact me on 49 371877. We would be very grateful for anyone who could offer our students assistance in this area. 

Kurri Kurri High School has been lucky enough to gain a place in the Educational Pathways Program. As a part of this program, we have been appointed a SBAT (School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships) Engagement Officer, Adam Crook, and a Head Teacher of Careers, Amanda Hines. We welcome both Amanda and Adam to the school and are very much looking forward to working with them throughout the year. If your student is currently completing an SBAT in 2022, Adam will be touching base with them to provide them with mentoring and support during this process. For our current Year 10 students, we will be providing you with an information session later in the year to encourage you to consider a SBAT as a part of your senior pattern of study in 2023. There will be a variety of initiatives because of this program, and I will be providing both students and parents with more information as the year progresses. 


Covid Tutoring

We have been lucky enough to gain Covid tutoring funding for a second year. Due to our second lockdown in 2021, the NSW has provided our school with funding for tutoring to deal with gaps in student learning. In Term 1, all Year 9 students are currently receiving Covid tutoring in preparation for NAPLAN testing in Term 2. Students are being exposed to a range of literacy and numeracy strategies which will assist them with their class and assessment work, along with them developing the essential skills to complete their NAPLAN tests. All Year 9 parents should have received an email with tutor details. If you have any questions regarding tutoring, please communicate with the tutors via the contact details provided. Other students will be recipients of Covid tutoring as the year progresses and parents will be informed via email prior to students beginning the tutoring cycle.  


Aboriginal Education

For the parents and/or caregivers of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, you will have received an email asking you to participate in a survey of how you would like to engage in the Personal Learning Pathways for your student in 2022. If you have not had a chance to respond to the survey, you will be contacted by Leeanne Field by the end of the term. PLP’s are an active consultation process which help to identify and organise personal approaches to learning. They ask students to develop both short- and long-term goals and assist the school in creating strategies for achieving these goals. 

To acknowledge important key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dates throughout the year, Kurri Kurri High School will be participating in an interschool challenge with Cessnock High School and Mount View High School. Term 1 will be the National Close the Gap Sporting Challenge. Staff and students can participate in a number of fitness challenges which will test speed, endurance, distance, flexibility and strength. Results will be totalled and the school with the highest number of points will win Round 1. There are four rounds in total and the school who wins the most points for the year, will win the trophy for 2022. I encourage all students to get involved to ensure the trophy is Kurri’s for 2022!