Careers Term 1 


Lots in store for Careers this year, with so many opportunities postponed due to Covid, a number of programs that have been rescheduled are now underway.


 On the March 3 we hosted the Uni Roadshow where stage 6 students got their first glint of what uni is all about. The Universities of Newcastle, New England and  Southern Cross almost swam to the school through rapid storms to present to the students. Some 70 students listened and asked relevant questions about what a life at uni might be like. Following the presentation students were able to have one on one time to ask further questions and gather their first prospectus from the universities.  



Looking ahead to Term 2 we will see a number of events including on the 6th of May we have the Whitecard program happening at KKHS. There are limited positions opportunities available. I would urge students to be prompt with their paperwork which will be available later this term. Students need to listen to the information read out each morning at roll call and check their emails for further information on upcoming events. 


Careers Expo 

On the 20th of May numerous students will be attending the ‘Careers Expo’ which will give them the the opportunity to explore their interests and develop a career pathway. This is the one place that boasts a mammoth amount of Career information under one roof. From beauty college to defence force to technology, there is not an area of career interest not addressed. I would urge students in Years 10,11 and 12 to take up this opportunity. 


YES Program 

Careers is also busy organising the YES (Youth Engagement Strategy) Program. This is an umbrella program where lots of courses sit under. Students in Yr10 have had the opportunity to be part of mini TAFE taster programs such as Childcare, Animal Care, Automotive, Plastering, just to name a few. These short courses give students the opportunity to: 

  • Develop new skills 
  • Discover career opportunities 
  • Navigate a new environment 
  • Experience vocational training  
  • Become work ready 

Commitment and student attendance to the program is mandatory in order to achieve competencies. Students who commit to the program, upon completion will receive a Certificate of Attainment, which will support them not only in their resume but toward further training and employment. 


Saint Nicholas Childcare Program 

Lastly, we have the St Nicholas Childcare program that will be open to Year 10 students in Term 2. This program will give Year 10 students who are interested in Childcare an amazing opportunity to participate in the St Nicholas Pathways Childcare program. In this program they will attend the Childcare venue once per week for 4 weeks and engaged with the children and completed theory work on Early Childhood. The students will find this program very beneficial. This can lead on to students applying for a School Based Traineeship in Childcare for their Stage Six year. 


Students need to be checking their emails regularly to access up to date Career information. Any support needed can easily be obtained by emailing me for an appointment or dropping into my office in A block.