Year 10 Child Studies 

Year 10 are having fun getting a glimpse of the responsibilities of life as a parent. Students are taking care of a baby egg for a week, taking photos, and recording the activities they do together to promote positive development. 

Students have been exploring how important the first 5 years are in terms of development and the influence this can have on them for the rest of their lives.  



Year 10 PDHPE  

This Term our Yr 10 students have been studying the topic of Respectful Relationships. During our theory lessons we have been exploring the qualities that individuals need to develop to ensure they can be respectful to self and others. In practical lesson, we have been applying our understanding of respectful relationships to collaborate with others to choreograph a dance routine which includes the Cha, Cha and partner dancing. 


Year 9 PDHPE 

In Year 9 PDHPE students have been exploring the concept of Lifelong Physical Activity through Fitness Games. Students have been developing their knowledge of health related fitness components and have been able to design innovative and creative games to improve the fitness levels of young people.  



This term Year 8 have been exploring all things Cyber Safety. From Respect online, digital footprints, cyber bullying and sexting. Students have been learning about safe strategies for the online environment. The Lifestyle faculty look forward to seeing the projects they create to educate peers on how to create and maintain a safe online community.  



 Zone Swimming  

Congratulations to our three Year 7 students who represented KKHS at the Zone Swimming Carnival held on 1st March at East Maitland pool. Mr Asvestas ( Year 7 Advisor) commented that the students were great ambassadors  for our school both in and out of the pool. We look forward to watching this trio continue to shine in the pool over the coming years.  



Rugby League  

Congratulations to both Jye Linnane (Yr 11) and Darcy Jones

(Yr 10) on their selection in the Junior Knights Representative Teams. Jye’s leadership qualities have not gone unnoticed as he has been named the 2022 Captain of the Harold Matthew’s side. We congratulate both boys on their selection and wish themselves and their teams success in the representative season.