Well… what a term! Reflecting upon this term has truly shown what a unique and special community the staff, students and parents at Kurri Kurri High School are. We have distributed thousands of rapid antigen testing kits and managed positive covid cases in staff and students, various covid restrictions and we have still managed to continue learning and celebrate academic success… which you will hopefully see in this newsletter! A huge thank you to the whole KKHS community for their hard work and dedication to get through this term! What an achievement! This was encapsulated today, March 18 as we supported Vouch for Lismore and supporting flood ravaged schools up north.


I would like to welcome our new students and families that have joined us in various years, while also extending a really warm welcome to our new cohort of Year 7 students. The school continues to grow in numbers and is now assisting over 900 students achieve their own personal excellence. We also welcome a brand new class to our Kuta Kaya unit and a number of new staff members. Special welcome to the new members of of school executive: Mr Brown, Head Teacher Teaching and Learning, Mr Lindsay, Head Teacher TAS, Mr Jacobs, Head Teacher Admin, Mrs Flanagan and Mrs Jacobs as joint Head Teacher HSIE,  Ms Watkins Head Teacher Kuta kaya and Mrs Weir who will be leading the Creative and Performing Arts faculty in 2022. We also welcome two new Year Advisors: Mr Berry and Mr Asvestas who are supporting our new year 7 students. 




I would also like to welcome Ms Wilson to the Senior Executive Team leading the learning in Stage 5 and looking after students in Years 9 and 12. 




Our many infrastructure construction projects are now well under way: our Hall renewal project is well underway and on track for completion in Term 2. This space will provide purpose build performing arts spaces, a mezzanine level in the hall and 6 practice spaces for our talented musicians and performers. We will also be creating a new attendance office to support our senior students signing in and out and also create a space for students who are leaving early. We are also excited to have an upgrade to our basketball fencing and basketball areas and also some new undercover seating in our main quad which was generously paid for by our P&C. We have many new projects planned for the year ahead so please look out for more updates in the future. 


With the removal of various restrictions, we are now looking forward to returning to many exciting things happening including school sport, competitive sport and school camps. We are also excited to begin a new partnership with the Clontarf Foundation who will work in partnership to support our Aboriginal boys set and establish new and challenging educational goals. We have also introduced our new 12 Reset days to support our Year 12 students practice and consolidate all the subject specific skills required to be successful in their Higher School Certificate exams. We will continue with these days as we move forward throughout the year to ensure academic success for our students. 


Finally, as we move into the remaining terms we are looking forward to continuing to work in close partnerships with our families and support our students achieve and celebrate their academic success.