Maths at Kew High
At Kew High School, we teach students to work like mathematicians, rather than the more traditional emphasis of teaching students mathematical skills in isolation. Learning mathematics this way helps students develop mathematical skills in the context of problem solving, investigations and modelling. Content skills are still very important, but the emphasis is placed on application of skills, rather than skills being learnt for their own sake. Students are continually challenged to learn and are expected to apply more sophisticated mathematical thinking and reasoning as they progress through the school.
All students in Years 7-10 completed our Kew Mathematics Challenge this semester. Students were challenged by six problems over a three week period. Year 7 problems were titled Matches, King of the Road, A Sticky Gum Problem, Add Me Up, Magic Hexagons and Taking Matches Strategy Game. The aim of our problem solving activities is to develop an ability in students to use mathematical skills and problem solving strategies. It is also to develop an ability to undertake unfamiliar problems and to build confidence in their problem solving ability.
Fifty of our top students competed in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians against more than 7,500 of the country’s top students and many achieved impressive results. Five achieved High Distinctions, two achieved Distinctions and 21 achieved Credits. Congratulations to all who participated.
Our top students in each level were:
Year 7 Huw Lewi-Smith, Okan Ozcoban
Year 8 Howard Aitken, Zachary Holland
Year 9 Volkan Ozcoban, Jensen Anton
Year 10 Lac-Gia Luu, Tiger Hongmung, Josephine Lake, Megan Clark, Danny Huynh
This year 180 students competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Results will be available later in the year.
Stephen Francis
Mathematic and Numeracy Leader