15 November was significant in the relocation of the fence line of the building site. No longer do we have to walk alongside a fence as we go to Student Services. The administration part of the Capital Works will be handed back to the school on 6 December giving sufficient time for some of our staff to relocate to the new Student Services and offices. The remainder of the building works will continue through the start of 2022.


Work on the Performing Arts Centre, Finance Office and new reception area will continue through January and February. The Music General Learning Area (GLA) rooms are well under construction and the lift shaft has been completed. There is a lot of scaffolding both inside and outside as the interior and exteriors are being constructed. We will start 2022 with music and drama continuing to be taught out of the redeveloped kindergarten building that we have been using for the most of 2021.


Admin. - Northern Facade
Admin. - Eastern End Northern Facade
Admin. - Staff Room
Admin. - Meeting Rooms
External Admin. - condensers awaiting cages
Music GLA Internals
Music GLA Facade
Atrium/GLA Corridors
PAC Drama Room wall frames
Auditorium ceiling - sheeted and flushing commenced
Admin. - Northern Facade
Admin. - Eastern End Northern Facade
Admin. - Staff Room
Admin. - Meeting Rooms
External Admin. - condensers awaiting cages
Music GLA Internals
Music GLA Facade
Atrium/GLA Corridors
PAC Drama Room wall frames
Auditorium ceiling - sheeted and flushing commenced