Student, Ryan Bird

We made it to the movie theatre without too much happening, and the movie that we watched was 'Josie The Tiger and The Fish' which is about a paraplegic woman meeting a guy who eventually became her carer. 


Overall, the movie was very good for what it was, the picture was absolutely amazing, and the story was tied off quite well in the end.



Afterwards, we went to a Japanese restaurant called Akimitsu. The place was very nice. After we sat down, they poured us some green tea - turns out I don’t mind it. A few minutes later they gave us some miso soup which was very strong and extremely salty, however it was still very nice. Afterwards we were served fried fish and chicken, with the fish having its own nice sauce. The chicken had Japanese mayonnaise on it, which was extremely nice. We also had a large serving of sticky rice allowing us to eat it with the chopsticks. There were also a few other things that were served along side.


Overall, the excursion was a lot of fun, with things that I never thought I would do. I also enjoyed doing them with friends and people that I knew.