Kass Holmes, Vocational Education Training Leader

Vocational Education Training


We have had over 150 senior school students finishing off their VET courses this term to gain certification to build towards their future career pathway goals. Many have also had to complete work placement as part of these requirements. There have been over 30 VET courses undertaken across many industries such as Construction, Disability and Aged Care, Community Services, IT, Hospitality and Screen and Media.


Some of these students completed VET as a school-based traineeship. Others gained a school-based apprenticeship doing their VET course and will continue this in year 11 and 12 to help gain their SACE. We have also had many school leavers with guaranteed employment by continuing their apprenticeship full-time in 2022 and beyond.


The current year 10's and 11's have been attending information sessions and enrolling in VET courses for 2022.  We have over 90 students doing this, and it is a lengthy process with lots of information sent out, so it is vital that students regularly check emails and Daymap even after classes have finished.


Students received acceptance letters in week 7 from their training organisations and we will work with students who may have subject clashes on the day of their course.


For any VET enquires please contact Kass Holmes -


School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship


Students from many VET courses often have the opportunity to apply for a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship. Some VET courses require students to do placement to gain ‘hands on’ experience and develop skills for the industry. Whilst out on placement employers have the opportunity to train hard working and dedicated students that they want to keep. This can lead to offers of apprenticeships/traineeships. There are currently three students at our school who are completing an apprenticeship and we now have four more students who have been offered this opportunity.


Jai Roberts is completing a school-based apprenticeship in Cert III Commercial Cookery. His goal is to one day become a chef. This year he has been completing the Cert II Kitchen Operations course with TAFE SA 

and applied for the position with the Belair Hotel when it was advertised. With great presentation skills and all the knowledge and skills from his course he was offered a position. Jai will work at the hotel and  attend  school  next  year to  complete  year 12 and his SACE. 


We would like to congratulate Jai on his achievement and wish him a great year in 2022.


If you are interested in apprenticeships/ traineeships opportunities or learning more about VET please contact Kass Holmes the VET Leader on or ring the school to speak to her.