Hi CHPS families,

CHAPS is very happy to be able to bring our kids one of their favourite fundraisers!  Our Colour Run is happening on Friday 26th November.  So if you haven't yet, click on the link below and follow the steps to set up your child's (or family team's) sponsorship page & share away with friends and family members.

We also have a date for our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser, which will be  held on Saturday 4th December.

To put your hand up to help on the day just click on this link and fill in the time you can help toss a snag or two!

Lastly, our Gingerbread House fundraiser is ending at the end of this month, so if you haven't yet, please go and order a Chocolate, Original or Gluten Free (or all 3!) house.

Again, just click on the link below and get to ordering your scrumptious Gingerbread treat!

Thanks everyone 😊 We look forward to getting your kids as colourful and messy as possible.