Sports news
Kiddo is coming in 2022
KIDDO a specialist program developed by academics from Exercise and Sports Science in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia. KIDDO (formerly known as Uni-Active) was launched in 2014 to help develop the skills, confidence and motivation to be physically active of Australian children. Designed to help develop physical literacy in children aged birth to 8 years, KIDDO provides information, practical resources and skills for parents, teachers and early learning educators. Over 12,000 children and 764 primary schools and early childhood education and care centres have taken part in KIDDO programs since 2014.
For more information please click on the link below. You can register as a parent to invest in your child's FMS performance at home for a small registration fee.
Importance of being SunSmart
Lately more students are starting to come to school without a hat or a drink bottle. Please beware of the importance of being safe in the warmer weather. Here at Marangaroo Primary School, we have a 'No Hat No Play' policy but we also know the importance of physical activity for children at a young age. Please send your child with a SunSmart wide brim hat and a drink bottle to school for health and safety reasons.
For more information, please click on the link below:
Sun Safety (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Kris Mihal
Physical Education Specialist