Principal's Message

Congratulations to Carmen Smith, who has now secured her role in the front office on a permanent basis. Mon Mondays and Fridays, Carmen is the first face to welcome guests to the school and we are grateful to have secured her in this position.


At the end of this year, both Mrs Jo Waal and Mrs Ronnelle Ellard will be retiring, having both worked at Marangaroo as Education Assistants. Jo has worked in the Department of Education for over 20 years, with Ronnelle working for nine years. I would like to thank them both for their contribution to student learning at Marangaroo and beyond, and wish them both well in their retirement.


On Friday 12 November, the P&C organised a colour run for the students to enjoy, as well as to raise money for the school. The afternoon started with families being invited to join us for a picnic lunch - a lovely introduction to the colour run. Throughout the afternoon the students (and many parents and teachers) were covered head to toe with colour - so much fun! A huge thanks to our wonderful P&C for organising such a fun event for the students at Marangaroo.


Only a week later, last Friday, we held a water-filled activity afternoon to recognise the effort students have put towards maintaining our core values of caring for self, others and the environment, with most students eligible to attend the afternoon. We had slip & slides and students had the opportunity to practise their throwing skills, with wet sponges being aimed at many of the staff. The wet sponge station was more popular than we expected with many staff going home soaking wet that afternoon!


Slip and slide action
Mr Cutting 'testing' the slip & slide
Slip and slide action
Mr Cutting 'testing' the slip & slide


This week, our Year 5/6 students began their two weeks of swimming lessons at   Sorrento Beach, which was timed well with the warmer weather. They will complete their two weeks of lessons at the end of next week.


Next Wednesday 1 December, we look forward to welcoming our 2022 Kindergarten parents in for a parent information session. This will give our new and existing parents an overview of what to expect for Kindy next year. We will most likely have one Kindy class and a Kindy/Pre-primary combined class next year. The Kindy days will be Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Wednesday. We will communicate the remaining class structures in Week 9s newsletter.


We have two other important events coming up, our end of year concert and book awards, as well as our graduation ceremony for the Year Six students. The book awards and concert will be taking place in the undercover area on Tuesday 7 December from 2pm. Each class will be performing a song, with the theme being 'Top of the Pops'. The following Tuesday, 14 December, we will be celebrating our Year Six students' graduation from 9am. We hope to see you at these events.


You may have seen Mr Ken and the students starting to paint a mural on the outside library wall over the past few weeks. We're looking forward to seeing this progress over the coming weeks, and hope to have it completed by the end of the term. Thanks to Mr Ken for all his hard work in designing and painting this with the students.

Mr Ken with some students painting the new mural
Mr Ken with some students painting the new mural

Adrian Keenan
