David's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


We're starting with a shout out from Steve, chair of our Buildings and Grounds Committee and dad to Mimi in year 2: 

Urgent - Working Bee - Looking for skills and/or strengths!  We need a few parents & or friends on Tuesday the 14th of December (yes a school day) to help prepare the new Children's Garden / Urban Forest. Please ring Steve on 0407 368 574 if you can help out with advice or labour - or if you're simply interested to know what's going on!


This week I have been reflecting on the nature of learning. The term encapsulates so much; when we learn a skill that may take years or decades to perfect, or when we find out the hard way (very quickly) to be more careful when opening a pruning saw! For our students who have had two such disrupted years, it has been heartening to see them make and celebrate their progress as we conduct assessments in reading, writing and numeracy. What has really filled my bucket this week though, has been the skills that students have continued to grow and show in their empathy, social connection and collaboration. 


Be careful opening pruning saws!
Be careful opening pruning saws!


There are some really important events coming up at school; the Art Show and Festive Concert on Thursday 9th December, and our Year 6 Graduation on Monday 13th December. There are more details about these events coming out via Xuno; one thing to note though is that for parents to attend these events, you must be double vaccinated and check in using the QR codes. Entry will take place via the main school gate and all parents will need to show the green tick from the Service Victoria app. If you are not yet double vaccinated and are unable to come to the school for events, the art will be placed onto SeeSaw and we will also make sure that the performance of the festive concert is also placed up online once finished. 


Our podcast this week has been organised by our student leaders. This year we have not yet put out the call for our new student leaders, as our current team are working with leadership and the new strategic plan to redefine the roles and opportunities for next year's leaders. This means we will begin the new process at the start of 2022 as part of the legacy that our current student leaders will leave behind at the school. We can't wait to  see what they come up with and how they choose to exercise their agency in creating our new model of student leadership. 


With only a few weeks of term left - stay safe, enjoy the weather and let's make sure we all get our well deserved rest for the holidays!


Best Wishes,

