Wellbeing & Community Hub

Trish Lloyd

Hi everyone!


If you have kids at home and you are looking for a fun online activity, I want to extend an invitation to you to join the Sing & Grow music program. The program is on Tuesday mornings from 10:00am - 10:30am, and involves a lot of fun, music and laughter together.  We have 5 more sessions, beginning on the 9th of November and finishing on the 7th of December. 


Here is the Zoom link for your reference. https://zoom.us/j/98303002424?pwd=TTV4SnRHQUpuVDZ2NVpZeldvOVpyUT09.


More Good News!!


English Class FACE TO FACE is back on every MONDAY beginning the 8th of November at 9:30am at Merinda Park Community Centre. We also still have plenty of places available for our online English class every Wednesday at 10:00am. Please call the school or email Trish Lloyd plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions or want to join.


Take care everyone,


Trish Lloyd

Wellbeing and Community Hub Leader


Online Playgroup


Playgroup will begin online on the 15th October and run every Friday at 10:00am. We still have openings, so if you want to join please email Trish Lloyd. plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au