From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

Dear St Therese's Families,

Remembrance Day - Lest We Forget!

Last week, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month we celebrated Remembrance Day through a virtual liturgy. Thanks to Mrs Michelle Hinds for organising the liturgy and the Mini Vinnie students for leading it. They did a beautiful job reading the prayers and laying the wreath. All classes participated from their own classroom and the teachers tell me they were so respectful which is wonderful to hear.

Level Crossing Update

This works notification provides an overview of construction activities and impacts around MerindaPark Station and Endeavour Drive between Monday 15 November to Saturday 27 November 2021 and advanced notice of day and night works Monday 6 December to Thursday 9 December 2021.

The Introduction of Democratic Class Meetings

Since the students have returned to school, we have introduced Class Meetings. These meetings are based on a democratic model and involve all students in each class sitting in a circle and working on issues that may affect them at school. The class meeting begins by asking students to give positive affirmations or compliments to one other. In this way, the students learn how to give and receive positive feedback and as a result build a stronger sense of community for their class. 


The purpose of the meetings is to develop student's voice, encourage problem-solving and build resilience and empathy. Issues that are discussed may include what to do if someone is being mean on the playground, how to clean up our school, etc. The idea is that the class come up with a problem or issue and then work as a class team to solve it. Class meetings happen weekly and at each meeting, the class reflects on the issue and discusses if the solutions they came up with were effective. 


I have had the pleasure of conducting a class meeting with almost every class since the students returned to school in early November. Grade 2G's meeting focused on the issue of rubbish in our school. They would like to see our school grounds free from litter and are working on ways to make this happen. The 2G students have decided to make posters that will be displayed around the school that promotes putting rubbish in the bin. They will also talk about this issue and how to solve it at Assembly and they are working on introducing a nude food day later in the term. What a great initiative for our junior students and a very important issue to work towards solving! 


Foundation 2022 Orientation

For the next three Thursday afternoons, we look forward to welcoming the kinder children as they prepare to transition to Foundation 2022.  We currently have 45 children who will join the St Therese's family in 2022 in Foundation.  Please see the attached letter regarding our Foundation Transitions.



I am pleased to announce that Mrs Sharon Evans and Miss Danielle Phillips will be the Foundation teachers for 2022. 


At this time of year, we are busily planning for the next year. Assessments are being done that will inform the end of year reports and class lists for 2022 are being finalised. Next week, I will announce all the teachers for the 2022 year. 


Please enjoy these art photos from Mrs Hogan. The Seniors began designing our new Community Hub logo, years 3 and 4 painted a background for a woven circle, years 1 and 2 made 3D standing art using tabs and slits and the foundation students used wool to weave a sheep.


I hope you all have an enjoyable week and can stay warm. It looks like another week of wet and windy Spring weather! 


Michelle Bruitzman
