School Captains Report

Prep -2

In Prep, we looked at a new letter- the letter 'P'.

We also learnt about rhyming words and to idenify if two words rhyme and thinking of other words that rhyme.

We loved our 1st Wednesday. We made pancakes, wrote about making them and we graphed our favourite toppings. 

In Maths, We learnt about lenght and we had fun measuring different things in the classroom.

We had our first full week of five days.

1/2's have enjoyed our new spelling focus on the long 'e' sounds.

We have been "checking our understanding when reading and have started learning  one about  the writing process.

In Maths we have been using place value blocks to represent numbers.

Grade 3-6

In grade 3/4 we have been making connections with the books we read.

We made sure we connected to own experiences, other books and things we know about the world. We have been creating story plans and expanding our ideas, ready to write narratives next week.

In Maths we have been estimating numbers and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

In 5/6 we have been continuing our class novel and making predictions, making sure to provide reasons.

We have been working on our narrative, focusing on character & setting development.

In Maths we have been learning about prime & composite numbers, squared numbers and factors.