Feast of St Joseph Friday 19th March (our patron saint)

Joseph was a carpenter who worked very hard. He must have been a holy man because God chose him to watch over Jesus. Joseph was a good and gentle man who married a special young woman named Mary. He was loyal, kind, generous and humble. Great characteristics for us all to aspire to ourselves.



Thank-you God for St Joseph. 

Thank you for our fathers who love and care for us. Please watch over and bless our fathers and help them to do their job well. Amen 




Things to Surrender:

  1. Grumpiness – irritability is a choice. We can choose to be grumpy and hang on to our right to be foul-tempered, or we can choose to be pleasant and good humoured.
  2. Blame – when things go wrong, stop looking for a scapegoat. Practice acceptance and responsibility.
  3. Superiority – A judgmental attitude is like a rotting corpse – it spreads it’s bile over everyone in criticism and put downs.
  4. Gossip – resist taking delight in someone else’s failure. Protect their reputation and let the bad news stop with you.
  5. Vanity – give up self-obsession and the fantasy that the world revolves around you. Start revolving your life around God and you’ll find more joy than you ever dreamed.
  6. Self-pity – everyone has to deal with setbacks and disappointments. Self-pity won’t change your circumstances; it just makes you feel powerless.
  7. Resentment – being unforgiving and resentful will hang over a person’s life like dark thunder clouds. It makes your life gloomy and your presence unpleasant. It’s not worth the cost.
  8. Tiredness – if you’re always tired, go to bed early. Be self-disciplined and resist the TV, internet or other recreation that steals your sleep. And if you choose not to, then at least stop whining about how tired you are! (Parents of young children exempted!)
  9. Busyness – you have all the time you could ever need for the things that are important to you. Stop using a lack of time as an excuse for neglecting relationships or your health.
  10.  Cynicism – it’s easier to be cynical than it is to be optimistic and hope-filled. Take the path less travelled.                                                                             



During the final week of term, we will be celebrating ‘Holy Week’ through classroom Prayer Spaces. Each class will be involved in preparing and hosting an event.

Monday 28th March - Palm Sunday – Foundation/Year 1

Tuesday 29th March - Holy Thursday – Year 2 

Wednesday 30th March - Good Friday – Yrs 3/ 4

Tuesday 20th April – Resurrection – Yrs 5/ 6



God of all people’s and nations, 

As you accompany us on our Lenten journey, 

May our fasting strengthen our commitment to live in solidarity,

Our almsgiving be an act of justice, 

And our prayers anchor us in love and compassion. 

Through living simply and loving generously, 

May we care for our global family and our common home as we 

“Aspire not to have more, but to be more”. 

We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Please continue to donate to the Project Compassion Appeal. Thank you for teaching your children to be givers to those less fortunate than ourselves.


Jenny Keely REL


Class Liturgies

Over the last couple of weeks, we have welcomed parents back into classrooms with our class liturgies. It has been a joy to witness the reverence from the children and their participation in readings and prayer, which relates to the wellbeing, personal and social capabilities they have been focusing on during term 1.


Thank you to all the parents who have been in attendance - we hope you enjoyed them, we certainly enjoyed having you join us.