Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear parents, friends and Father Arsenio


Well done on surviving Lockdown 3.0. I am hopeful that is the end of it for the moment at least anyway. Once again I am grateful for your understanding and cooperation on the matter. It has enabled staff to complete Wellbeing PD, parent / teacher interviews and finish first aid modules, mandatory reporting training and plan for future lockdowns. There will be an outline put out by the end of the week as to what we will do if there is another short to medium lockdown as well as if there is another longer lockdown. Please be aware that we are governed by Catholic Education Melbourne (now known as MACS) particularly around on site supervision. If you’d like a copy of the operational guidelines please let me know.


Given the risk minimization strategies we are expected to practice again I would ask that parents are on site only to drop students at their classroom. Whilst waiting for your children please make sure that social distancing is carried out.


We are scheduled to complete our first aid training on the Closure Day scheduled for 5th March. I tried to have this shifted to this week to coincide with the lock down but could not do so. The entire staff complete this training every third year and are now due, hence the timing. My apologies for any inconvenience.


Our first outside assembly occurred last Friday. It was well attended by parents and once again we will do the same on the oval at 2:40pm. Please feel free to come along.


Prep enrolment applications are now being taken. Please feel free to pass this information on to those who may be interested. I intend to carry out interviews with existing families this term and will meet with prospective families early next term. 


Have a great week

