Sport Development Leader

We are thrilled to be underway with sport already this year. A change in the way CaSSSA delivers sport has meant we are already in Round 2 of Term 1 fixtures.
I have managed to get around most of the sports thus far and am very impressed by both the students' determination and skill. Sport is thriving at the College, with participation at all-time levels. While it has been steady progression over the last ten years, it seems that COVID has awakened the desire to appreciate sport and activity. We currently have 25 teams competing in Term 1 sport; partner this with students attending Swimming, Run Club, Dance, and Bootcamp and we have a great percentage of students out every week being active.
We are only in Week 4 of Term 1, but already we are collating nominations for Term 2 sport. Our Open and Senior netballers will take the courts tonight to arrange teams and, over the next few weeks, we will see Hockey, Volleyball, and Touch teams assembled. It’s not too late to put your name forward for these via the link in Student Notices.
As you will now know, we are preparing big plans for sport at the College - the acquisition of the quarry precinct is an exciting project that will see the Mount Alvernia and Padua Colleges unite and have access to top class sporting facilities, among other programs such as FCIP and many more cultural events. While we are still in the very early stages of planning, I am happy with discussions and think the years ahead will be very exciting.
I am usually out of the office this week getting to know our Year 7 cohort whilst at camp. I do miss that opportunity to find out what talented people we have here. I look forward to hearing stories of adventure and success on your return.
In the meantime, play hard, play fair and, most of all, have fun.
Josh White
Call for Parent Volunteers
With the increase in teams, the Sport Department is seeking any volunteers who wish to help with the running and management of teams or programs. If you have some spare time or skills as a coach or team manager we would love to hear from you. All sport team staff receive a Sport Staff polo and cap - be part of the team. Contact the Sport Department at or call the Office on 3357 6000.
Representative Sport
A friendly reminder to keep an eye on Notices and the Met North Sport website for information regarding District and Regional sporting trials. To trial at a district or regional sport, it is expected you are competing at school or club level. Please ensure all paperwork is returned to the Sport Office by nomination closure. Failure to do so could eliminate you from the trial.
A reminder that Mount Alvernia College is part of the North West Independent District for thirteen- to nineteen-year-olds. Our twelve-year-old students still come under North District Sport. All details are found by clicking the link.