Term 4 Overview

During Term One, learners are exploring informative and persuasive texts, with a focus on biographical writing and the impact that individuals or groups have had on the development of Australian society.
We will begin by reading and analysing varied examples of biographies, which will in turn assist the learners to develop an understanding of how authors use the strategies to engage the reader. It is through these strategies that the learners will immerse themselves in the experiences of these individuals and groups in society and develop their understanding of what led them to influence this change. Through identifying these skills in Reading, we will aim to have our learners transfer these skills to their own writing and provide them with opportunities to create biographies exploring these influential individuals and groups that have had this significant impact.
Learners will also have opportunities for independent reading and sustained writing; ensuring they can focus specifically on their personal literacy goals and apply learnt strategies. Some of the concepts we will be unpacking to a deeper level with the learners will include:
• Using the four traits of effective paragraphs – a topic sentence, evidence to support the argument, explanation of the argument and a well-crafted transition to the next paragraph.
• Understanding the building blocks of ‘who, what, when and where’ within a timeline and digging deeper into ‘why’ and ‘how‘ this significant development in society took place.
• Meaningful use of research sources including the ability to synthesise and paraphrase reliable and relevant information.
If you wish to support your child’s learning at home in the area of Literacy this term, you can:
• When discussing ideas with your child, encourage them to support their claims with supporting details, personal experience or research.
• Encourage your child to read regularly, discussing their books with them and asking questions to determine your child’s understanding of their text.
During Term One, Level Six learners will be involved in a variety of Maths investigations that are academically rigorous and personalised to their learning goals. This year you will continue to hear the acronym SURF. When working mathematically people tend to focus largely on the two areas of Problem Solving and Fluency, which refers to processes are needed to solve the problem and correct calculations of the numbers. Research shows that to create deeper knowledge of mathematical concepts we need to be talking with children about their Understanding and Reasoning. A great way to do this is by requesting your child to explain their thinking behind their answers or alternatively, asking them is there another way you can demonstrate that is correct?
This term, concepts that will be covered in class include:
Number and Algebra:
- Prime and Composite, square and triangular numbers
- Using the four processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Positive and negative integers
- Index notation and the powers of numbers.
Measurement and Geometry:
- Developing fluency and reasoning strategies to calculate the area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes
- Investigating how different metric systems are used around the world and why we have them.
To help you child enhance their understanding of these concepts, take opportunities to discuss with them ideas such as how index notation and integers are used in the real world and moving furniture around the room and using strategies to estimate what will fit where (the learners may even want to rearrange their own bedroom).
During Inquiry this term, students will be exploring the central question of: How have groups and individuals contributed to the development of Australian Society?; with the lens of Global Goal #3 Good Health and Well-being. This unit has a curriculum focus on History and Personal and Social Capability and was developed with the regard to our membership to the Council of International Schools, ensuring that we develop learners who are ‘Global Citizens’.
Through exploring the impact of groups and individuals the students will be inspired to create their own impact through our transfer task of a Positive Change Project.
To support your child in this area of learning, you may find the following tasks at home beneficial:
- Talking about members of society that have contributed to change both in Australia or in another part of the world
- Keeping up to date with global events by reading the newspaper/ reading articles online
- Having discussions about local and global issues with a lens of positive change
- Borrowing books from your local library about significant Australian individuals and groups
GWPS social and emotional development program ‘You can do it’ (YCDI) supports the children throughout the years as they grow and face the challenges of life. During Term One, Level Six children begun the year in line with the rest of the school, with the first two weeks of learning having a heavy focus on the students building healthy relationships with their peers and school staff.
As the term progresses, YCDI will focus in the relevant transfer of the explicit taught strategies for developing organisation, resilience, getting along, persistence and confidence. Through taking part in Level Six sport children will have the opportunity to reflect upon the effectiveness of different strategies as they further enhance their interpersonal skills.
If you wish to support your child at home with their learning in the area of YCDI, you may find the two following suggestions helpful:
- Talk to your child about what they have been learning in class regarding YCDI and how this transfers to real life application (inclusive of digital interactions).
- Take the time to have a discussion about effective organisation strategies for completing their home learning on time and the importance of developing this skill before they head into secondary school in 12 months time.