P&C News 

Election Day

Wow!  What a great Election Day Event.  The Pre-primary parents organised the cake stall (thanks to Andrea, Kim and Liz) and we made a huge $2200!  The array of cakes was first class.  Thanks to all our bakers, volunteers and cake eaters who helped to make it a beautiful (and lucrative) community day.  



The Year 6 team had an equally spectacular day with the sausage sizzle, car wash and busking.  They reached their set target of $2100 which is a great start to their year 6 camp fund.  



Hazel Orme were invited to set up a cake stall too and managed to raise over $800 for the kindy! 

Quiz Night!  Watch this space!

It's happening!  Planning for our quiz night will be starting soon!  Do you have some great ideas, are you a super organiser,  are you good at convincing local businesses to donate prizes to our raffle! or do you just have some enthusiasm to help out?  Andrea and Kim, Pre-primary mums, are leading the team and they need your help.  If you'd like to join the organising committee, let us know.  It will be a lot of fun!  Email us -  wgvprimaryschoolpandc@gmail.com or see Kim/Andrea (Room 6)


Our next general meeting is Term 2, Week 3, Wednesday 5 May 7-8.30pm in the school library.  Our meetings are open to all and we love to see new faces, so come along and get involved.  



2021 President

Canteen News

Our school canteen is run by P&C and all purchases help keep our canteen open. Please support our canteen by purchasing meals for your kids at the canteen on Wednesdays and Fridays. Place your orders in the under cover area before school or you can pre order lunches at canteen. 


We are looking for volunteers to help Bev in the canteen and we particularly need help on Wednesdays.  If you have a few hours to spare, please speak with Bev.  No experience needed


Bev and the Canteen Committee 

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open on Monday afternoon 2:45 - 3:15pm. 


Orders and any queries can be sent to wgvuniforms@gmail.com and we will arrange/answer for you. 


Please contact Uniform Shop Team - Gabriela if you have any queries. 

Uniform Shop Co-Convenors | White Gum Valley Primary School 


Containers For Change

Containers for Change WA! Keep recycling those drinks containers wonderful school community! The P&C has already received over $200 from your recycling! 

Take your eligible containers to the Montreal Street Recycling Centre, use the White Gum Valley Primary School P&C scheme ID C10280238 and the money goes directly to the P&C.  Thanks for your support!