What's Happening
Photo from 2020
What's Happening
Photo from 2020
The staff at Murrumbeena PS are really excited to introduce Class Dojo as way of sharing what is happening around the school. It is a fun and interesting way for us to share photos, videos and messages about what is happening around the school.
By now you should have received an invitation to join the school’s Dojo page. So far, a whopping 280 families have joined our school page.
If you have not received an invitation, but would like one, please send either myself or your child’s classroom teacher a message.
Using Class Dojo, teachers can post announcements, events, reminders, share photos and videos of classroom activities. Families can like and/or comment on photos, videos and events. Messages can be translated, and the story caption can be in your preferred language as needed.
Dojo will not replace Compass, but rather complement it. Compass will be used for all formal communication with teachers, access to student reports, reporting student absences and giving approval for excursions and camps. Dojo is a way of sharing the everyday school lives with family to help improve communication and continue to build a sense of community.
We hope you love our Dojo Page us much as we do!
Fiona Sewell
Acting Assistant Principal
The annual Easter raffle is almost upon us again and will be drawn at an assembly on Tuesday 30 March.
The children have received a raffle book of 10 tickets to sell and should be returned to the office or classroom.
In the meantime, donated Easter eggs for the raffle would be most welcome and can be dropped off in classrooms.
If you can also donate any spare cane or wicker baskets or decorative boxes, they will be gratefully received to help us package up all of the prizes.
Maree Tame
The canteen is offering a special recess snack of a Hot Cross Bun with a Milo on Wednesday 24 March.
Orders needed to be placed on Qkr! by this Friday 19 March.