
Not to be MISSED an hour with Hugh!!!

Webinar with Hugh van Cuylenburg on Tuesday 23rd March at 6:30pm

The Resilience Project

We are really looking forward to our parent webinar with Hugh van Cuylenburg on Tuesday 23rd March, 6:30pm-7:30pm.


A representative from the Education Team will open the session and welcome everyone, acknowledging all the schools represented on the call.  


Please note that the webinar will include parents from up to 12 of the Partnership Schools.


Here is the Zoom link for the meeting:



The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses and provide them with evidence based, practical strategies to build resilience and happiness. The Resilience Project has delivered programs to over 1000 schools around the country and worked with many elite sporting teams including Australian cricket, netball and soccer, NRL and AFL clubs. Through presentations, wellbeing journals, schools curriculum, teacher diaries and their App, The Resilience Project seeks to help all Australians become mentally healthy. 


Programs offered by The Resilience Project are based on the following strategies:

  • Gratitude - Appreciating what you have, not begrudging what you don’t. 
  • Empathy - Thinking of the needs of others/kindness.
  • Mindfulness - Being present in the moment, not becoming distracted by unhelpful or negative thoughts.


During this presentation, Hugh will share his experiences and combine them with practical strategies that can be implemented every day to improve our overall wellbeing.


It would be great to see as many parents as possible attending the webinar.


This term in class, the seniors have been exploring what gratitude is, by identifying ‘three awesomes’ in our everyday life and considering why it’s important to build a habit of being thankful. 


Practising gratitude is the ability to notice things in your life and around you

(big and small) and appreciate them rather than thinking about the things

you wish you had or might be missing out on.



• Time together as a family (during dinner works well when everyone is around a table).

This activity is about sharing positive stories in your own lives with each other. Sharing stories about your own childhood with your children, like where you and your parents and grandparents went to school, met each other, and lived, can help them develop confidence in their own identity and understand who they are and where they fit in the world.


• Each family member takes it in turn to tell each other a top 3 magical moment in their life and why it makes the top of their list.

Examples could be: Wedding day, birth of a child, Christmas day, moving into a new house, getting a new pet.

• Continue around the table until everyone has shared their top 3 life moments

• If possible get out some old photos to show the family of the magical moments that were discussed and relive the memories. We would love to see what you are doing at home. Please share some photos or let your child’s teacher know what you have enjoyed.

Family Gratitude habit builder:

Every night at dinner have each person describe the favourite part of their day and explain why. For more activities to complete as a family check out 




National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

This Friday 19th March is National Day of Action against bullying and violence. We will be focusing on the key messages of this day with the children in Morning Gathering and during circle time. Why participate in the National day of action against bullying? The following statistics show the benefits of participating in the national day of action.


What to do if someone tells you they are being bullied?

Listen, respect and acknowledge. Your first response to someone who tells you they are involved in bullying can make a difference to the outcome. If a young person reports bullying to you:

 • Find a suitable place to talk, or make a time to discuss the problem privately. 

• Listen to their whole story and show you are listening. 

• Ensure that your voice is calm and your body language is open. 

• Ask the young person if they feel safe and reassure them that you will try to help them.

• If they haven’t already told you, ask the young person when, how and where the bullying happens. • Avoid minimising the issue and reassure the young person it’s not their fault and it’s never okay to be bullied. • Ask the young person what they want you to do and whether they want you to do anything at this stage. • Praise the young person for speaking out. • Keep checking in regularly

On Monday 22nd March we will celebrate Harmony day. The theme for Harmony day this year is everyone belongs. Harmony day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. The children are being asked on Monday to come wearing a touch of orange, the colour for Harmony day. Or children can come dressed in clothing from their cultural background.


If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will also be available for parent teacher interviews along with the other teachers in the last week of term.


Rachel Lenko

Student wellbeing leader